
标题: 第三十六期杂志选文——《邂逅十大动物》 [打印本页]

作者: 小山林卡    时间: 2015-8-18 12:59
标题: 第三十六期杂志选文——《邂逅十大动物》
本帖最后由 小山林卡 于 2015-8-18 13:02 编辑
Top10 Animal Encounters

Where to have close-up encounters with some of the world’s mostremarkable animals.
From the National Geographic book SecretJourneys of a Lifetime

1. Right whales, Bay of Fundy,Canada
Northern rightwhales are on the brink of extinction, but survivors arrive in the Bay ofFundy each summer (May through October) to feed east of Grand Manan Island①.They are recognized by a broad back, no dorsal fin, and white callositieson the head, which distinguish them from other whales entering the bay.
Planning:Whale-watching tours operate out of Digby Neck peninsula on Nova Scotiaand nearby islands, such as Brier Island, St. Andrews, Grand Manan Island,and Deer Island.
摘自Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_whale

1.   露脊鲸,加拿大芬迪湾

2. Grizzly bears, Alaska
Grizzlies likesalmon. In mid-July and again in mid-August and September, grizzlies makefor Alaskan rivers to hook out the fish with their formidable claws. Thebears gather in large numbers at rapids and pools, sometimes fighting forthe best sites. MacNeil River State Game Sanctuary, BrooksFalls in Katmai National Park, and Fish Creek,near Hyder, have viewing platforms.
Planning: Most fishing sites are accessed by chartered light aircraftand a hike.Hyder is off the Stewart-Cassiar Highway.


2.  灰熊,阿拉斯加
出行提示:搭乘特许的轻型飞机或徒步可以到达大部分灰熊捕鱼点。 海德就在斯图尔特-凯瑟公路的尽头。

3. Monarch butterflies, SierraChincua, Mexico

Each fall,millions of North American monarch butterflies migrate thousands of milesto the oyamel fir forests of the Transvolcanic Mountain Range, in thestate of Michoacán, to overwinter. They cluster together on tree trunks,bushes, and on the ground on Sierra Chincua and four neighboring hillsthat make up the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve.
Planning: Chincuais one of two hills in the reserve open to the public from Novemberthrough March.
摘自http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/ ... ico-_n_2004506.html

3. 黑脉金斑蝶,墨西哥钦瓜山脉

4. Community Baboon Sanctuary,Belize
Black howlermonkeys are called “baboons” in Creole. Two hundred landowners havepledged to protect their local population, an initiative started atBermudian Landing and now covering more than 19 square miles (50 sq km) ofrain forest along the Belize River. The community offers guided tours andnight walks.
Planning: Lessthan one hour’s drive northwest from Belize City, or by boat fromAmbergris Caye or Caye Caulker.
摘自http://www.guidetobelize.info/en ... al-park-guide.shtml

4. 伯利兹,狒狒保护区
在克里奥尔语中,黑吼猴叫“狒狒”。两百个土地所有者承诺保护当地的生物, 这一倡议始于百慕大驻木场②区,现在已经覆盖超过19平方英里(50平方公里)的伯利兹河沿岸热带雨林。保护区提供有导游带领的观光旅游和夜间徒步。

5. Humpback whales, Rurutu,French Polynesia
Snorkeling in waters with 98 to 196 ft (30 to 60 m) ofvisibility makes the island of Rurutu one of the best spots forwhale encounters in the world. Between July and October it playshost to calving, nursing, and mating humpbacks. Boats leaveregularly from the village of Moerai for three-hour trips towhale-watch and swim with mothers and calves.
Planning: Rurutuis a 90-minute flight from Tahiti. The island has limited accommodations,so book early.
摘自:http://www.divediscovery.com/tah ... tu.php#.VQ2MKGTF9gM

5. 座头鲸,法属波利尼西亚鲁鲁土岛

6. Komodo dragons, KomodoIsland, Indonesia
Landing onKomodo, you step back to a time when dinosaurs ruled the Earth for, asancient maps reported, “Here be dragons!” This mountainous volcanic islandis home to the world’s largest living lizard—the Komodo dragon. You canhike to a viewpoint at Banugulung and watch as park rangers feed goatcarcasses to the lizards, some of which are more than 10 ft (3 m) long.
Planning: Komodois reached by boat from Bima (on eastern Sumbawa) or Labuan Bajo (onwestern Flores).
摘自http://www.theguardian.com/trave ... holiday-advice-bali

6. 科莫多巨蜥,印度尼西亚科莫多岛
出行提示:从彼玛(松巴哇岛东部)或下拉布安(佛罗雷斯岛西部) 乘船可抵达科莫多岛。

7.Snow monkeys, Chubu region, Japan
Snowmonkeys—Japanese macaques—sit in hot tubs to keep warm in winter. AtJigokudani Wild Monkey Park, in the central Japanese Alps, you can watchthe monkeys taking advantage of hot mineral water bubbling into poolsamong the dark gray rocks. You can trek through the Nagano Woods to reachthe site.
Planning:Reachable by a train to Yudanaka town, a bus to Kanbayashi, and a30-minute walk to Jigokudani.

7. 雪猴,日本中部地区

8. Synchronous fireflies, Selangor, Malaysia
A sampan tripdown the Selangor River on a clear night will bring you to one of theworld’s largest colonies of fireflies. The insects, which actually arebeetles, flash their green-yellow lights so that the berembang mangrovesalong the riverside at KampungKuantan village resemble flashing Christmas decorations.Both males and females produce light, but it is the males that flash insynchrony.
Planning:KampungKuantan is 5.5 miles (9 km) from Kuala Selangor town and 35 miles(56 km) from Kuala Lumpur.
摘自:http://biosciencesclubtu.blogspo ... -trip-to-kuala.html

8.同步发光萤火虫, 马来西亚雪兰莪州

9.Giant pandas, Shaanxi province, China
With facilitiesat Wolong National Nature Reserve destroyed by the 2008 earthquake, thereis an alternative at Laoxiancheng National Nature Reserve in Shaanxi, oneof several reserves in the misty Qinling Mountains. An ecotourism projecthas guided treks into the bamboo forests here, where you might encountergiant pandas, golden snub-nosed monkeys, and golden takin.
Planning:Laoxiancheng is 65 miles (105 km) east of Baoji. The best time to visit isMay through September.

9. 大熊猫,中国陕西省

10. Wildebeest migration,Serengeti, Tanzania
Undoubtedly the world’s most spectacular wildlife sight isthe annual wildebeest migration, when 1.4 million wildebeestand 200,000 zebras and gazelles are on the move across theSerengeti plains. The animals chase the rain and fresh grass. Alongthe way, lions and hyenas stalk them, and crocodiles lie in wait.
Planning: Theherds migrate across Tanzania from December through July, and then passthrough the Masai Mara in Kenya in August and September.

10. 角马大迁徙,坦桑尼亚塞伦盖蒂平原

②百慕大驻木场是一个在伯利兹的村庄,在伯利兹区里靠近Scotland Halfmoon(苏格兰半月)区。它的名字来自百慕大早期伐木工在这一片地区种植草被来喂养牛,而且他们以前把桃花心木拖到这块驻木场来。


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