
标题: 第四十六期杂志选文——《速度与激情7》(下半部分) [打印本页]

作者: 小山林卡    时间: 2015-9-22 14:43
标题: 第四十六期杂志选文——《速度与激情7》(下半部分)
Furious 7 (Part 2)

In other words, “Furious 7” is a story of ambientimminent apocalypse and the handful of government-backed freelance saviors who,working not for money but for love, can stave it off. And love really is thecore of the story. Wan’s action photography draws its power not only fromtechnique but from the throb of crude and pure emotion that underpins it like abass line. It may seem strange to contemplate the script of such a terse movie,but “Furious 7,” as written by Chris Morgan, turns the word “family” into ametaphor that liberates it from the pieties of home; it offers the pulpimmediacy of a world without parents, a lateral world of affinities built ofunquestioned tests and forged with unfailing responsibility. And the actorsbring it out—or, rather, seem to be living it: they share an easy, understatedfamiliarity, a relaxed and good-humored pleasure in performance that could beborrowed from a Hope and Crosby “Road” movie. (The performances here suggestthe wide range of movies—including intimate, naturalistic dramas—that theseactors should be cast in, and that the late Paul Walker, whose last film thisis, should have been tapped for.)


“Furious 7” plays likethe old-school arena-rock of movies—Bon Jovi, say, or Aerosmith—packagingadolescent wildness in sleek and sharp machinery. At its best, it’s like a songthat’s meant for driving; at its worst, it’s like one that belongs in a car commercial.Its cinematic style is less aesthetic than industrial, like that of this year’smodels. The means of conveyance—the narrative machinery—isn’t drasticallydifferent from that of a cinematic Model T, but the technical standards anddevices are those of the moment, and its contours signify that moment—and willrapidly come to seem dated.

Its forthright pleasureshave sharp limits, in other words. Yet its virtues are brought out by contrastwith certain etiolated art-house productions that mistake ambiguity forcomplexity, gentility for virtue, solemnity for honesty, and plainness forauthenticity. One of the odd results of the current world of movies is that,despite their multiplex ubiquity, such big-budget productions as “Furious 7,”or any of the superhero movies that fans of the “midrange drama” decry, havecome to seem as niche-oriented—and even, in a way, as marginal—as lower-budgetmovies of conspicuous artistic ambition. The multiplex fare may make moremoney, but—as this year’s Oscar nominations show—the overtly ambitious filmsare the center of discussion.

Classic-era Hollywood may have propelled seriousdramas into mainstream prominence—and this list of the top box-officehits of 1954 offers several astonishments—but there was also an element of “Furious 7,” of joyful vulgarity androwdy showmanship, in most of the best movies of that time. It’s worthconsidering the confrontation with violence (inner and outer), the fiercelyforged affinities, and the sheer pursuit of thrills and striving for ecstasy,that also mark the best, and more obviously marginal art films of our own time.(See, for instance, the ski-chase scene and the Society of the Crossed Keys in“The Grand Budapest Hotel.”) “Furious 7” may not, itself, be great art, butit’s part of the family.


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