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    Isit better to own a gun for self-defense, or is that more likely to causeproblems?

    Assume home defense, your country allowslegal ownership of weapons and you have taken appropriate weapons training.Scenario is that the country you live in has gone sideways and others are aboutto invade your home. You have kids. What do you do?

    Thisquestion arose as part of a conversation about whether it is better to own agun for self defense and deterrence purposes or it's better not to own one andlet the chips fall where they may.
    Not really. I am basing this on years of weapons andself-defense training. Let me explain...
    First off a personal reference. I spent a few years in theMarine Corps as a weapons instructor. I trained hundreds in the use of standardissue rifles and pistols. I also have a black belt and trained a great dealwith the Marine Corps martial arts program. The reason that this is valuable isthat it gave me a great deal of insight on the nature of self-defense andweapons.
    Nowas far as home defense goes, you need to consider several factors.

    1) A gun will only be used about .00002% of the time that youown it.
    1) 从你拥有一把枪开始,它只有0.000002%的几率会派上用场。
    You will be keeping and storing this weapon the whole time youown it, even though you might get attacked once or twice in a lifetime. Theproblem with this is that at any point something with the stored weapon couldgo wrong, such as losing pieces or unwanted people getting into your weapon.Granted it's hard for a pieces to suddenly go missing, but it isn't difficultfor curious children to explore.

    Second, recent surveys have shown that household members wereonly present in about 27% of cases of break-in. You are much more likely tohave a burglar take the gun from under your bed while you are at work or onvacation than to actually arrive when you are present. Think about it, if youwere to rob someone, why not take your time and not get caught.

    2) Weapons are actually difficult to use.
    2) 武器实际上难以使用。
    (Thisis a shotgun, a good choice in home defense. You need to understand each pieceand how it fits together as well as how to strip, clean, inspect, lubricate andreassemble the weapon. Good luck, you should only need the one shot.)

    Weapons like a gun have many pieces that have to be regularlymaintained. You need to have training into how to take care of your gun. This doesn'thave to be in depth, but a person does have to research the information of theweapon. They have to know how to adjust the sights and zero their rifles. Theyneed to know how to disassemble and clean their bolt or inspect their firingpins for imperfections. It takes time to figure out all this and is a loteasier to screw it up than to get it right. And if you don't get it right theweapon might not work or even get you hurt as the burglar laughs at you.
    (In case you were wondering, this isn't ademonstration of how they "curved the bullet".)

    3) Guns don't shoot themselves.
    3) 枪支不会自己开枪。
    I know that if you have ever seen a movie you know how to shoot,right? No. It is actually very difficult to learn how to shoot and hit thething you are aiming at. You have to understand how the weapon's sights work.You have to learn how to focus on only the sights while placing it in front ofyour target, without ever looking directly at the target. If you think that notfocusing on the target makes no sense then you're more of a danger to yourselfthan to the bad guys. In any case, learning how to accurately fire the weaponis very difficult and takes a great deal of time to master. If you ever want toget a weapon you need a great deal of professional education in one-on-onetraining in controlling your weapon and placing your shots where you intendthem to go. This absolutely isn't something you can teach yourself or yourcousin Billy Bob can teach as you shoot stuff down by the river. You will onlydevelop bad habits that will do you no good when you need it. Also, turning theweapon sideways doesn't help, at all.

    (If you're curious you should check out the questionWhy do gangsters hold their guns sideways?forsome interesting theories on why people do this, besides that they have neverbeen trained.)

    I have been trained by the best weapons instructors in theUnited States Marine Corps. I've literally shot thousands of rounds fromseveral different weapons systems and even in a completely stress freeenvironment; a nice indoor range with my family just practicing, and I stilldon't always hit where I want to. If you have never fired before then how welldo you think you are going to do when you really need it?
    (Heads up: This is going to end badly.)

    4) Emergencies never happen in the waythat you can be prepared for.
    I know that many people get hyped upwith stories of dangerous encounters like someone breaking in at night, butthis doesn't happen as much as you would think. Some things to consider, thereis more than one guy, the guy could be a child, the guy has a bigger gun, theguy attacks outside when you are in the city, the guy comes in the day when youare gone (and you just gave him a gun.)

    The point is that you can't say thatyou will be prepared and safe because you have a gun. You never know what youmight be facing. You will be able to hedge your defenses much better if youinstead invest in a very good security system. It will only
    scare away predators under mostsituations, call for backup from police and help give you peace of mind even ifyou aren't home or suck at shooting.
    "If only I hadmy gun this would never have happened!"

    5) Guns are dangerous by design.

    Shocker right? I know if you arereading this it makes it seem a bit patronizing. If you are considering a gun at home you need tothink about the fact that at any point, it is always a gun. There is no safetythat can't be overcome, by a six year old. This stuff does happen.

    In another horrifying scenario, whatif you are disarmed because you aren't ready to use the weapon. What if you run into this guy?

    Now your weapon is his weapon, and you are worse off than if youjust got a dog. What you can do is buy yourself a weapon with special biometriclocks, but they're expensive and rare. You could buy a gun safe and gun locksand all sorts of other things. These are great, but if you haven't noticed, youwill be fumbling and stumbling around in the middle of the night making noiseand unable to even get the thing that is supposed to save you in the firstplace. These are things that take a great deal of time when you should be onthe phone to the police anyway.
    (Yes, it's still dangerous, yet adorable.)
    ***) You shouldn't ever"carry" a weapon for personal self defense.
    As a side note, I also have a seriousgrievance with those who think that they can use a weapon for personal selfdefense outside the home. The fact is that if you are considering carrying aweapon in your pocket or purse, you are literally endangering everyone aroundyou with virtually no chance of being of any use to anyone. First, a weaponthat is not holstered is one of the most dangerous things a person can do tothose around them. There are many ways that a weapon floating around can gooff. If you carry one like this, I hate you. You're going to hurt someone.Secondly, please imagine a time when you might need the weapon.
    A robber comes up to you late at night beside your car. He pullsa knife and demands your purse with your car keys.
    "Oh hold on just a second and let me find my gun."
    ...a few seconds go by...
    "I'm serious, I am robbingyou."
    "I know, I know. Just give me asecond. I know it is over here somewhere."
    ... a few more seconds pass...
    "You see that I have a kniferight?"
    "Just be patient."
    "I'm truly sorry, but I reallymust be going. I'll be taking your purse now."
    "Oh, just one more second!"
    He takes the purse and steals yourcar. Then as you stand there contemplating how the gun should have solved yourproblem, the robber rolls down your window and throws your gun out to mock you.You hear Janie's Got a Gun playing on your radio and reflect on the song'sirony and how this didn't play out the way you thought it would.

    As a final note, if everything goesperfectly right, you might just have to kill someone.
    The idea that you can bluff your way outof situation is not a good tactic, especially if you are dealing with someonetruly violent. If you have a gun it needs to be for the purposeof killing someone when the need comes. If they view that their future lies inkeeping you quiet, or if they feel that their life is being threatened (by yourgun) they may attack you. In that case you will have to be able to kill him. There is no"shoot the knife out his hand or shoot him in the leg stuff." Itsounds nice, but you will be lucky to hit him in the chest like you're supposedto (see point #3). Do a self analysis and ask could I deal with killingsomeone, even if they are going to steal my stuff or hurt my family. Yeah your first response is easy tosay "You bet I would," but would you really? I have been to Iraqtwice and have had to think long and hard about what would it be like if I hadto kill someone. Could I live with myself? Could I look at my wife again?I saw itin many of the other Marines who had. It is a traumatic experience thatchanges a person. If you really think you can't do that, figure out a strategyyou can honestly deal with without a moral breakdown. To add to your moraldilemma, according to Bureau of Justice statistics, youshould also know that offenders were known to their victims in 65% of thesecases. After thinking that about your target being your brother, cousin, friendor neighbor please ask these questions again.
    但假如你拥有一把枪,那么这把枪就可以在不得已的情况下杀死某些人。然而一旦他们意识到只要你安安静静他们就可以得逞,或是感觉到他们的生命被你(手中的枪)威胁到了,那么他们也许会攻击你。在这种情形下你就需要确定自己有足够的能力来杀死他们。这里没有所谓的“射飞他手中的刀子或是射中他的腿”之类的,当然这听上去很理想,但是你要能做到本应做到那般,一枪射中他的胸膛就已经很幸运了(请见第3点)。自我分析一下,问问自己是否真的会去杀人,即便那些人将要偷自己的东西或伤害自己的家人。 当然了,你会脱口而出:“我向你打赌我可以。”但是你真的会吗?我曾两次前往伊拉克,长时间的深思倘若我杀人了我会变得怎么样。我还能够正视自己吗?我还能够再面对自己的妻子吗?我在许多杀过人的陆战队员身上看到了类似的问题在困扰着他们。这样惨痛的经历是会改变一个人的。如果你认为自己真的无法杀死一个人,那么就想出一个策略既可以解决问题又可以避免一次道德上的审判。根据司法统计局的数据,你应该知道的是这类案件中65%的罪犯是被害者的熟人,而这一点则会使你在犯罪前多思考一下伦理两难问题。毕竟考虑到你所要伤害的对象有可能是你的兄弟姐妹,朋友或者邻居,所以在杀人前请三思。

    What should you do?

    My advice is that you think aboutprevention. It sounds cliché, but statistics support this. Of the break-ins that occurred abouta third happened because of an open or unlocked door or window. Installing asecurity system also makes you about 300% safer as it hardens the target forburglars and scares away most when the alarm goes off before any people orproperty can be damaged. A good one can even send in the police when a break-inoccurs. In this case the best defense is actually a good defense.

    I know that questions like this areoften asked out of fear. People want to have a great deal ofcontrol over their situation, but when others put you in danger you can almostalways never get it back. The best bet is to rationally consider your optionsbefore a situation occurs.

    The odd thing is I actually support gun ownership. I agree with the purpose of the second amendment and have afew myself.I enjoy them and like to go to the range to practice the art, but Idoubt I will ever need to use them.Most of my motives for this post,like I have said, is that I really don't think people think about all that goesinto the reality of weapons.I don't think people who are afraid really considerthe better defensive options to guns.I don't think thatthey do the proper research and put in the time to practice, give respect tothe safety rules, take proper care of their weapons or put enough effort intomaking sure the wrong people don't use them. I don't think they have the abilityto protect themselves in such a case as this question and do think they wouldprobably be putting themselves or others they love in danger.奇怪的是,实际上我是支持枪支所有权的。我同意第二修正案的目的并且自己也拥有几把枪。我喜欢它们也喜欢去练习场上来几发,但是我怀疑我是否需要用上他们。我发布这篇文章的动机很大部分是,像我说过的,是我真的不认为人们会想到一下关于武器的真实的情况。我也不认为那些处于恐惧之中的人们会真的考虑一下面对枪支更好的防御手段。同样我也不认为他们会做适当的研究、投入时间去实践、谨遵安全条例、好好保养自己的武器或者是留心确保不让不应该的人使用武器。我不认为他们在类似情形中自保的能力并且觉得他们还有可能会将自己或他们所爱的人置身于危险之中。
    Thanks for reading!

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