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    Delicacies for autumn feasts

    Suddenshowers, falling leaves and a cooling city again awaken appetites dulled by theheat of summer. It’s autumn, and time to celebrate good food and good companywith some delicious seasonal specialties. Pauline D. Loh and Xu Junqian ferretout the best dishes for the occasion.

    Lotus Root  莲藕
    TheChinese poet Han Yu (768-824) sang its praises and described it as "sweetas honey, icy as frost, a slice in the mouth heals all sickness". The Qingemperor Qianlong (1711-99) compared it to "the snowy white, slender curvedarm of a beautiful woman".
    Whatthey were extolling, of course, is the humble lotus root, often pointed out asa moral example for "rising above the mud it grows in, untainted andwhite". It is most abundantly harvested in autumn, and has naturallybecome part of the feast for the Mid-Autumn Festival.
    Themost convincing reason for its popularity is the culinary tradition of"eating local, eating seasonal", born out of the belief that food inseason is the best gift from nature. In the case of the lotus root, traditionalChinese medicine claims that the aquatic root vegetable is best for relievingsummer heat and autumn dryness.
    Whilethe lotus is widely enjoyed in soups, in sweet and sour stir-fries, cooked withpork ribs, and other countless ways, the dish most popular on tables right aroundthe country about this time is an appetizer, or cold dish: Candied lotus rootstuffed with slow-cooked glutinous rice, and topped with osmanthusjam.
    Thiswas once native to the east China area, where sweet-toothed diners likesomething sweet at the beginning of their meal. These days, the dish is popularall over the country, attracting loyal followings with the shiny luster of theosmanthus syrup, its appealing fragrance, and above all, the soft and stickylotus root, cooked to a melt-in-the-mouth mealy texture that contrasts with itsusual crispness.
    Placesoffering the dish are many, ranging from streetside stalls to fine diningChinese restaurants, not to mention home-made recipes available online.
    Themost delicious we have eaten, however, comes from Chef David Du’s kitchen atXindalu restaurant, at the Hyatt on the Bund Hotel.
    Thedish is heated up in the steamer after the order is placed and so the syrup andOsmanthus honey is melting again on the soft, sticky lotus root, making it aheart-warming dish during this unexpectedly early autumn.

    Taro and Duck芋头和鸭肉
    Ifmashed potatoes and turkey is the signature pairing in the AmericanThanksgiving meal, then taro and duck can be said to best represent theMid-Autumn meal in Shanghai. Duck and taro are common enough ingredients allover China, and in the professional and private kitchens, there have beencountless recipes developed with these.
    Thesoup-loving Cantonese stew them together for a slow-cooked broth, which,according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, will moisten thedryness of the body in autumn. In east China’s Yangtze River region, it becomesmuch simpler.
    Thetaro is skinned, cut and stir-fried with scallion and salt, and cooked withduck, which may have been bought from a deli nearby. The most popular is theNanjing salted duck, whose tender white meat is fatty but not greasy. Thesalted duck’s fame has gone far beyond the capital city of Jiangsu province andmade it to the tables of neighboring cities like Shanghai and Hangzhou.
    Althoughit is available all year around, the autumn birds are considered the best, asconnoisseurs believe that the ducks of this season are naturally scented withthe sweet aroma of osmanthus flowers. To enhance that belief, some delis simplyseason their ducks with osmanthus.
    Innorthern China, taro is often boiled, peeled and dipped into sugar, eaten as astaple in place of rice or noodles. And in the north of the country, the famousroasted duck reigns supreme on the dining table.
    Themost complicated "matchmaking" is crispy duck wrapped in mashed taro,a century-old recipe from Chaoshan cuisine, an off-shoot of Cantonese cookingfamous for its deceptively meat-like vegetarian dishes. The Hong Kong-trainedchefs from Li Xuan, arguably the best Chaoshan restaurant in Shanghai, tell usthat it takes a minimum of three hours for preparing and cooking this duck.
    But,the time invested is a guarantee of its delicious quotient. The best taro comesfrom the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, where the climate and soil nurturean especially firm but smooth textured taro from the district of Lipu. It isoften paired with the short-necked rice duck from Guangdong province, a birdthat has plenty of meat but relatively less fat. But the most important secretlies in the temperature of the oil for frying the taro. If the cook is skilled,the result is a firm and fluffy fried roll with juicy duck meat inside and acrispy covering of mashed taro outside. The golden roll is a real treat –satisfying the eyes, the lips, the palate and the stomach.


    秋季美食推荐(请使用Adobe reader打开!).pdf (181.05 KB, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 20 树币)

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