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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-30 15:04
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    发表于 2015-8-18 13:30:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    These Present Years

    There exists a small, unassuming apartment complex,tucked away in a gated cul-de-sac that sits, cavernous, off the main city roadof Hsinchu, Taiwan. The buildings inside almost seem suspended in time. Vinescreep up dilapidated building faces, which were hewn from rough stone ratherthan brick or concrete. A dilapidated gazebo sits to the right of the entrancegate, once painted optic white, now unused and long since gone to seed. Builton a hill, the apartments look crooked, haphazardly placed. Sandwiched betweena bustling university on one side, and lofty, faceless apartment towers on theother, one could easily pass by on their daily commute, day after day afterday, without ever acknowledging the existence of this ramshackle collection ofbuildings. It appears old, ancient, forgotten. But for nearly a decade, it wasmy home.

    The squat, four-story apartments were overshadowed by a canopy of treesthat filtered the sun’s rays, resulting in a perpetual crepuscule, a dreamytimelessness, even on the brightest summer afternoons. The tangle of vegetationseemed omnipresent, and sometimes it seemed that these apartments housed moreplants than humans. However, one area was left untouched by the overgrowth: ameticulously maintained row of trees stood in a private patch, segregated fromthe greenery that grew rampant everywhere else. “鳳凰樹,” my dad called them. Thephoenix tree.

    And what an apt, beautifulname it is. For eleven months a year these trees lay dormant, undercover amonga sea of verdant green, barely distinguishable from other, less noble trees. However, come June, the phoenix trees would explode withlife, in a dazzling display of vibrant reds and yellows, as if the branches hadburst into flame. With peak bloom coinciding with graduation in Taiwaneseschools, the blossoms of the phoenix tree have come to symbolize maturity andthe transition to adulthood. However, the flowers of the phoenix tree are asshort-lived as they are brilliant, with all traces of the magnificent bloomvanishing in mere weeks. As such, phoenix flowers have also come to connote thebittersweet joy of parting ways with friends, a happy and sometimes very lonelymoment of life.

    Mono no aware.The beauty of transience.

    I left Taiwan in 2009. Left it for an unknown,forbidding new world. And in the flash of an eye, just as I was finally readyto call Houston my new home, it was time to leave again.

    One of my close friends has recently become obsessedwith an old Taiwanese movie by the name of 那些年,我們一起追的女孩, a film aboutdealing with memories of the idyllic days of one’s youth. And what a fittingmovie it was for our times. “These are our ‘那些年,’” he mused, one lazyafternoon. Summer was coming to an end, and having moved through this chapterof our lives together, our circle of friends was on the cusp of parting ways,each ready to pursue the dreams that had been lovingly nurturing for the pastfour years, dreams that were on the cusp of blossoming. We were excited, butthis excitement was tinged with the melancholy of adulthood’s realities:everyone was going their own separate ways, forging their own paths forward.There was no going back.

    Matriculation, graduation,matriculation, graduation, matriculation, graduation. For our generation, thetrajectories of our lives seem ironclad. Never before have humans had their lives so neatly partitioned into suchcarefully measured, discrete periods: elementary school, middle school, highschool, college, then maybe some sort of graduate education, endlessly climbingthe ladder. And each period is bookended by grandiose ceremonies,matriculation, graduation, matriculation, graduation, emphasizing the boundlesspotential of new beginnings as well as the solemn finality of endings. Welearn, we laugh, we love, we live… and then we part, hopefully a littlewiser, a little more experienced.



    树屋微博@树屋字幕组 其他发布站点:ed2000和No视频 其他网站上传内容均属站方行为,与字幕组无关!

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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-30 15:04
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     楼主| 发表于 2015-8-18 13:34:16 | 显示全部楼层

    But is this the truth? Is each turning point inour life truly an impenetrable barrier, beyond which old experiences arediscarded in the dusty stores of memory, shunted aside to make room for thenext chapter of our lives? As we move forward in life, is our past relegatedinto ‘那些年,’ those bygone years, accessible only in the realms of nostalgia andreminiscence?

    Adjusting to new environments has always been adifficult process for me. Each new crossroads in my life has been marked byfear and apprehension: as someone for whom forming strong relationships doesn’tcome easily, the gradual but inevitable decay of treasured relationships,laboriously built brick-by-brick, is one of the greatest fears of my life. Itseemed that while some connections held strong, others quickly faded; however,all eventually succumbed to the relentless erosion of time and distance. So Ifixated on the past, trying to protect each and every last connection, graspingat straws that were being inexorably pulled further and further out ofreach.

    However, as the years pass, each new transitionbecomes less and less of a painful experience, and more and more of a simple,established routine. And with this change in perspective came the understandingand acceptance of a fundamental truth of life:
    Relationships fade

    Even the strongest of friendships might eventuallybe ground away by the millstone of time. And this fact is as true today as itwas a thousand years ago. Old relationships give way to new ones, and lifemoves on. And it’s not perfect, or ideal, or pleasant. But it’s life. Once Icame to terms with this truth, I was slowly, slowly, able to overcome my myopicfixation on the past, able to stop grasping at straws from the past, able tolive in the present. And there’s something beautiful about this sad truth.

    Mono no aware.The beauty of transience.


    And sometimes, when we least expect it, our pathsmight serendipitously cross with one from our past. The path of an old flame,perhaps, now reduced to barely more than embers. But sometimes, embers are allit takes to rekindle a lost connection. Forgotten relationships are not lostforever.

    The paths of my life no longer seem like distinctsegments, each with their own self-contained memories and experiences. Eachpath is now visible to me as part of a larger, all-encompassing road, one thatoccasionally branches off into the distance… but might just bend back into themain road when one least expects it.

    We can reminisce of the past as 那些年, bygone yearsrelegated forever to memory. Or we can see these memories as being inextricablyintertwined with the present, with the capability of building new experiencesand new memories.



    这些年(请使用Adobe reader打开!).pdf (212.83 KB, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 20 树币)

    树屋微博@树屋字幕组 其他发布站点:ed2000和No视频 其他网站上传内容均属站方行为,与字幕组无关!
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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-11-22 00:56
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    发表于 2015-8-20 12:07:36 | 显示全部楼层
    树屋微博@树屋字幕组 其他发布站点:ed2000和No视频 其他网站上传内容均属站方行为,与字幕组无关!

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