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    The Dreaded Bundle Comes to Internet TV




    FROM 2015-05-03 THE NEW YORKER


    Dish television and Sony have introduced newways of selling Internet TV. Will they be any more appealing to customers thanexpensive cable-TV bundles?


    When a man named Herb MacDonald pioneered thepay-one-price, all-you-can-eat buffet in Las Vegas sometime in the middle of the last century, he probablydid not realize that his restaurant pricing would become a model for so manybusinesses, particularly in the media industries. The most prominent imitators,of course, are pay-TV providers (cable, satellite, and fibre optic) who for oneprice offer subscriptions to a whole mess of channels such as Oxygen, HLN, MTV,Fox News, Bravo, MSNBC, E!, and so forth. (In 2014, the average number ofchannels subscribed to was 189.1; the average number watched was 17.5.) Thereare some who like this arrangement: more is more, and the payments are simple,if large. Others, however, find this buffet—or “bundle,” in industryjargon—annoying or unbearable. Social conservatives, for example, have longcomplained that they want more control over what comes into their homes, andthat they don’t like funding the production of fornication-driven shows like“Jersey Shore.” Others simply deem cable TV too expensive—Americanspay an average of a hundred and six dollars a month—and they blame the bundle,fairly or not.


    For the past decade, as people have started to watch moretelevision via Internet connection rather thancable modem, the big question hasbeen whether the Web might untie the bundle (an awkward metaphor, but the mediaworld is full of them). There have been signs suggesting that it will: Netflix, forexample, has gained more than sixty-three million subscribers, and people todaycan shun cable and still watch some television shows, such as “Mad Men,” bypaying $1.99 for an episode a day after it premières. The number of so-calledcord-cutters has been growing rapidly.


    But those who predicted that the Internet would kill the bundle may have spoken too soon. Internet TV, infact, is now growing its own bundle—the so-called “neo-bundle.” This year, Dishtelevision and Sony have begun selling a version of Internet television thatcenters on a bundle, albeit one that is smaller and cheaper that the originaloffered by cable companies. Dish’s Sling is the most exciting and enticing: itoffers ESPN and twenty other channels for twenty dollars a month. (You add anextra fifteen dollars if you want HBO). Sony’s Vue has fifty or so channels,for fifty dollars a month, but no ESPN or HBO. Apple, meanwhile, is likely to launch its own version in the fall.


    In short, instead of the Internet killing thebundle, the bundle is coming to the Internet; it would not be surprising if, inthe next year or two, half a dozen more neo-bundlers join the game. This maycome as a surprise to those who expected the television of the future toresemble, say, a smartphone screen, where every channel would be roughly likean app that you subscribe to à la carte. But overestimating change in thetelevision industry is a rookie mistake.


    Just why is theneo-bundle model on the rise in Internet TV? For one thing, content companies like ESPN don’tnecessarily want the annoyances of dealing, like Comcast or Netflix do, withdirect subscribers, who are always threatening to leave and demand thatirritant known as “customer service.” There are also some people, as we’vesaid, who really do prefer to buy by the bundle—buying kitchen knives in bigsets remains very popular. But more important is the fact that selling contentin a bundle nearly always yields more money for the seller.

    只是,为何新的捆绑模式在网络电视领域不断增长呢?一方面,像ESPN这样的电视公司并非一定要像Comcast或Netflix那样,与总以停订作为要挟而要求获得烦人的 "客户服务"的直接订户交涉。还有一部分人,像我们说过的,是真的喜欢购买捆绑包——"买一大套厨房刀具"的方式仍然很流行。更重要的原因是,销售商几乎总在“捆绑销售"中赚得更多收益。

    Consider an oversimplified scenario in which, ina nation of a hundred million households, half love ESPN (and will pay up toten dollars a month for it) but merely like HBO (and will pay only up to fivedollars a month), while the other half have the opposite preference. A sellerwith rights to both channels faces a dilemma. If he sells ESPN and HBOindividually for nine dollars a month, only half the nation will subscribe toeach. He’ll earn $450 million plus $450 million for a total of $900 million. Ifhe sells the channels for four dollars a month each, everyone in the countrywill buy both channels, but he’ll make even less money ($400 million plus $400million makes $800 million). The smart seller therefore bundles both showstogether at the low price of fourteen dollars a month and earns a total revenueof $1.4 billion. This example depends upon variousassumptions that might not hold true in the real world, but the general rule isthat, for sellers at least, content bundles are a winner.


    That’s why bundles exist. The neo-bundles are acompromise: they exist to try to maintain some of that economic advantage whilealso appealing to a generation of people who, when it comes to television orfrankly any kind of entertainment, want to get what they want exactly when theywant it—the so-called “now” generation.


    Hybrid products are always risky, and there’sreason to suspect that the spring 2015 neo-bundle is an experiment that willfail. The new bundles likely don’t offer enough to convince regular pay-TVviewers to switch over (indeed they are designed not to, for a $20 version of a$100 product would rattle the industry too much). A Dish-Sling subscriber (likemyself) still needs to rely on a physical antenna for the broadcast networks(CBS, NBC, etc.) and even after that there still remains plenty of desirable programming,especially sports, that is beyond reach. Finally, the neo-bundle is facingdirect competition from“skinny-bundles” introduced by Verizon andother cable operators, which are not Internet-TV but instead slimmed downversions of the traditional two-hundred-channel offering.

    On the other hand, the neo-bundles may remain toomuch like cable television to attract the now generation, which is comprised ofcord-cutters, potential cord-cutters, and “cord-nevers” (those who have neversubscribed to pay-TV). One problem is still the user interface. The neo-bundlesstill feel like cable TV; you need to plan your watching, and they don’tgenerally provide the simple on-demand viewing that binge-viewers have grownaccustomed to. There also remains something alienating for some people abouthaving to buy any bundle: it’s still going to the grocery store to buy milk andbeing required to buy eggs and broccoli as well.


    Apple will release its own version of theneo-bundle in the fall. Perhaps, as with iTunes, the company will once againconnect the twain cultures of Silicon Valley and Hollywood. In the meantime,the gap between the norms of the Internet and those of television, ifnarrowing, remains.


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