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    发表于 2015-9-22 15:00:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 小山林卡 于 2015-9-22 15:02 编辑

    How Silicon Valley Can Change Its Cultureto Attract More Women

    Corbett told methat she and others spent a great deal of time discussing whether even to raisethis suggestion. The notion risks playing into stereotypes about feminine andmasculine behavior and values (there are, of course, many women who, quitereasonably, care a great deal about self-advancement), and could also drawattention away from other important factors, such as gender-biased hiringpractices, that have been shown to diminish the numbers of women in tech.Corbett and her co-author, Catherine Hill, who discuss those other factorselsewhere in the report, ultimately decided to include Diekman’s research butdirectly acknowledge the tensions. They quote Diekman’s remark to them: “One ofmy fears is that this research will be interpreted as suggesting that genderdifferences in communal goals are the only thing that matters.”

    Corbettand Hill also raise another fraught possibility, which is that computer sciencesimply might not fulfill communal goals as well as other science professions:“What if the stereotype that these are solitary jobs that don’t provideopportunities for making a social contribution is mostly accurate? If that’strue, then recruiting communally oriented women and men into engineering andcomputing through marketing campaigns touting the collaborative, helpfulaspects of these fields will result in an exodus from the field later. Thereality, of course, is more important than public perception.”

    Some anecdotal evidence seems to align with the more optimisticsuggestion that the field can be made more genuinely relevant to women’sprofessional goals. One chapter of the report discusses the success of HarveyMudd College, in Claremont, California, at increasing its percentage of femalecomputer-science graduates from fourteen per cent, in the Class of 2009, tothirty-eight per cent, in the Class of 2014. (The national average is eighteenper cent.) Harvey Mudd attributes its improved numbers to three major changes:reworking its introductory engineering class to focus more on the real-worldapplications and “social relevance” of engineering; providing researchopportunities to women after their freshman year “to expose them to realcomputer-science problems”; and bringing women to the Grace Hopper Celebrationof Women in Computing—a conference for women engineers and, incidentally, theevent at which Microsoft’s C.E.O. made the controversial comment about raisesfor women—where they could “see a computing culture that is different from thestereotypical culture they might expect.”

    With herzine, Wibowo is taking a similar approach. “It’s really awesome to have socialissues that you care about and be able to do something about them with computerscience,” she told me. But those social issues, she said, “are not the first thingpeople talk about” when they discuss computer science. She added, “For whateverconcept is being covered in the zine, I want to talk about the range ofapplications.” She also sees value in talking about her own experiences as awoman engineer who presents in a “feminine” manner—not to suggest that allfemale engineers should wear floral dresses and speak softly, like she does,but to promote it as no less valid than turning up at work in a hoodie andjeans and using a loud voice.

    During herAlterConf speech, Wibowo recounted a story told to her by Chou, of Pinterest,who, after going to a tech conference wearing a dress and having people assumethat she wouldn’t understand technical matters, returned the following day injeans and a T-shirt and was accepted as someone with a technical background.“If we have more women and marginalized people participating in computerscience, but the price of doing that is that they have to fit into thestereotypes of what computer scientists are, then that’s not diversity,” Wibowotold me. “So I feel like however you want to present, whether that issuper-feminine or anything else, if you show up at a conference and give anamazing talk, presenting the way that you like to present, then you’re making astatement about what computer scientists look like.”

    ①Alterconf 一个女性和边缘群体谈论科技和游戏产业的会议
    ②Pinterest 全球热门社交网站,被称为“图片界的Twitter”

    翻译 by Cris
    校对by gabriellaz
    终校 by 小郭

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