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  • TA的每日心情
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    发表于 2015-9-26 15:02:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    A Day in the Life of Pinterest

    MAY 6, 2015

    The sun shines through Pinterest’supcycledstained-glass window, catching the mirrored elements on the mobile shecrafted. Pinterest stirs beneath a quilt made of old T-shirts, a clever #lifehackthat incorporates cherished memories of her past into the cozy comfort of herfuture. She looks at the ceiling. Breathe, it says.She does. Today feels like a gift. “I guess that’s why they call it thepresent,” she thinks to herself.
    阳光穿过Pinterest经废物利用的彩色玻璃窗,照射到她自己做的有镜面效果的手机上。 Pinterest在她用旧T恤缝制而成的被子下滚来滚去——这被子是一则聪明的#生活诀窍#,这点子让她既可以珍惜过去珍贵的记忆,又可以让她展望温馨舒适的未来。她看着天花板。“呼吸”——天花板上有这样的文字。于是她照着做。今天真像个礼物。“我猜想,这就是为什么他们称它为“现在”②“,她暗自思量。

    Getting out of hervintage cast-iron bed, Pinterest trips on a pile of antlers. Whoops! Shemust have been arranging wall clusters in her sleep again. She puts the antlersback where they belong—on the head of the live deerthat hangs out by her window. Then she puts a flower crown on the deer andfeeds it some homemade maca-and-almond energy ballsbefore it scampers off. “Cherish each moment!” Pinterest yells after it, andslips her feet into some carbon-neutral rice-paper sandals she bought in Japan.

    Pinterest’s daybegins with a ritual thanking of the universe for its bounty and for howquickly you can turn cashews into a rich, creamy dressing. “Gratitude andhumility,” she reminds her terrariums. The succulents look back at herknowingly. They get it. She peruses her Motivation Wall and picks out the day’sthemes: power, strength, ombré accents. She throws a few darts at a photo ofGwyneth Paltrow. “There can only be one,” she whispers, slathering her facewith a coconut-oil scrub. She gets the most out of her mascara by pouring some contact-lenssolution into the old tube. Pinterest is thrifty.

    All this skin care has made her hungry. “Hail, seitan,” she mutters,rummaging through jars of preserves. Suddenly she remembers—overnight oats! The taste of chia seeds,organic raspberry compote, and whole oats gives her energy. “Suck on that,Blake Lively,” she says. Pinterest’s tattoo (many small birds in the shape of alarger bird) peeks out of her sleeve as she does the dishes in a bucket shefound on a shipwreck.
    所有这些皮肤护理让她觉得饿了 “喔,麦麸,太棒了!”她边嘟囔,边到处翻寻装果酱的罐子。她突然想起——还有隔夜燕麦呢!奇亚籽,有机树莓蜜饯和全麦的味道可以带给她能量。“我太有才了,布莱克•莱弗利,”她说。当她在水桶里洗碗的时候,Pinterest的刺青(许多小鸟组成一只大鸟的图案)从她的挽起的袖口露了出来。值得一提的是,这个水桶是从一条骸上找到的。。

    Thinking about Blake gets Pinterest all revved up.She tries to do some delicate felting, but ends up stabbing her needles intothe wheel of her fixie. “Darn,”she says, immediately regretting the profanity. She takes down a fewreams of burlap and makes a nest in the living room. Pinterest feelssafe in the nest. Calm. She paints little garden scenes on each of her nailsand does a few hours of glitter crafts. Did you know that you can turn regularpinecones into gold-covered pinecones with the simple addition of some gold?

    Next she heads toher special place. Pinterest spends every day from11 A.M. to 5 P.M. trying on very casual wedding dresses in a secret room, drunk onherb-infusedcocktails. She sings Beyoncé lyrics while pasting pictures of herself holdingvarious quirky props (moustaches!!!) into scrapbooks. She has thousands of scrapbooks.They are organized by the color of their spines, to pleasing effect. One day,she knows, she will have a wedding.

    Back in herkitchen, she starts the evening’s work: repurposing things. She repurposes achandelier into a centerpiece, an unwanted blanket into a whimsical teepee, a large can into a slightly smaller can. It feels good torecycle. “Come at me, Martha Stewart. I freaking dareyou,” Pinterest thinks, as she paints the final chevron on what usedto be a useless old ladder. Now it’s a cool ladder. She lights a few homemadebeeswax tapers. She takes one to her fire pit and ritualistically burns manycopies of House& Garden. Thelight flickers across the metallic temporary tattoos she has applied to hercollarbone as a fun, affordable twist on glitzy jewelry.

    Hours later, there isnothing left to repurpose. Surrounded by things that have become BeautifulThings, Pinterest feels alone. Shyly, she opens the display case where shekeeps her apothecary jars. She grabs an antique teacup and throws it on theground. “OOOOOOOPRAH!!!!!” she yells, her eyes wild. She gathers the remains ofthe teacup into a tidy line and snorts it. There it is. She’s having one of hernights. She runs through the house, grabs a ceramic fox. She breaksit and greedily snorts it up. She rolls up the pages of a 1916 edition of“Alice in Wonderland” and smokes them. She feels more alive than the timeshe painted the vestibule an unexpectedly bright accent color. She keeps at itall night, smoking and snorting curios and tchotchkes, mainlining fair-tradecoffee, and huffing washitape. She passes out with one hand holding a lighterto a spoonful of coral she found on a trip to the Bahamas.

    Pinterest sleepsfitfully on the exposed-brick ground, surrounded by broken glass and shadowboxes of taxidermied butterflies.

    Tomorrow she’ll wake up and feel regret. She’llclean the house with apple-cider vinegar and start a cleanse. She’ll wonder howit all went so wrong. She’ll throw a few more darts than usual at Gwyneth. But,for now, she sleeps. In the dark, a neon sign glows: KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON.

    This is anexcerpt from Monica Heisey’s book, “I Can’t Believe It’sNot Better,” which will be published in Canada on May 13thby Red Deer Press.
    以上内容节选自莫妮卡·海瑟《我相信它会更好》一书,此书由红鹿出版社于 5 月 13 日在加拿大出版。

    ①全文将Pinterest拟人化。Pinterest是一个网络与手机的应用程序,可以让用户利用其平台作为个人创意及项目工作所需的视觉探索工具,同时也有人把它视为一个图片分享类的社交网站,用户可以按主题分类添加和管理自己的图片收藏,并与好友分享。其使用的网站布局为瀑布流布局(Pinterest-style layout)


    Pinterst的一天(请使用Adobe reader打开!).pdf (235.53 KB, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 20 树币)

    树屋微博@树屋字幕组 其他发布站点:ed2000和No视频 其他网站上传内容均属站方行为,与字幕组无关!

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