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    The Greek crisis

    So, we meet again


    To stayin the euro zone, Greece’s prime minister will have to jettison almost everypromise he has made to his own voters

    Jul 11th 2015 | BERLIN AND BRUSSELS |
    From the print edition

    Like most things deemed unthinkable, Greece’s departure from theeuro zone has been thought about a lot. Its open discussion at the highestlevels of the European Union, though, has long remained taboo. The two weekssince June 26th, when Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, abandoned talkswith the EU and IMF on a further bail-out and called a referendum on theirterms, have put paid to that. Most euro-zone leaders now believe Greece has noplace in the euro. Even those genuinely supportive concede that things may notgo their way; François Hollande, the French president, openly discussed Grexitat the euro-zone summit which took place in Brussels on July 7th. On the sameday Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, announcedthat the commission has a fully realised plan for Grexit.

    Whether that plan will be put to use depends on discussions setfor Sunday July 12th. Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council,describes this as Greece’s “final deadline”. The leaders of the 19 euro-zonecountries will discuss a list of reforms and cuts that Greece was due topresent after The Economist went to press. That list is intended toconvince Greece’s euro-zone partners to begin negotiations on a new three-yearbail-out. The same day will see a summit of all 28 European Union leaders at whichpreparations for Grexit will be discussed in earnest. The leaders will discusspost-Grexit humanitarian aid to be paid for out of the EU budget (it was as anet contributor to that budget that Britain insisted on all 28 being involvedin the discussion). Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank(ECB), will explain measures for seeing off speculators looking to attack otherweak links in the euro zone. Legal niceties aimed at allowing Greece to leavethe euro zone without quitting the EU—an eventuality for which there is neitherprecedent nor protocol—may be discussed, too.

    Duringthe brief referendum campaign MrTsipras urged Greek voters to reject theearlier bail-out terms, assuring them that a strong No vote would strengthenhis bargaining position in Brussels. They duly gave him the No he wanted; butthe creditors he had walked out on, and insulted during the campaign, werequietly planning to greet him on his return with a tougher line—and hisrhetoric gave them a new stomach for Grexit if he did not toe it.

    Atthe July 7th meeting they made their position abundantly clear to MrTsipras onfour counts. First, the short-term loans his government had sought would not beforthcoming in the absence of a full bail-out. Second, there could be nobacktracking on commitments the Greeks had already made on issues such aspension reform and value-added tax. Third, reforms must come before anydiscussion on restructuring Greece’s debt, which is now almost 180% of its GDP(the issue could be revisited in October, mused MrJuncker). And finally, thethird bail-out would involve fresh conditions in areas like product-marketreform and collective-bargaining rules.

    Toagree to this would cut against everythingMrTsipras’s government has done thisyear. But as the rest of the euro zone has been arguing repeatedly over thepast weeks, Greek democracy does not enjoy priority over everyone else’s, and thevoters in many other countries are fed up with bailing Greece out.

    ShouldMrTsipras somehow find the stomach to submit reform proposals that theEuropeans find credible, plenty more hurdles remain before any funds can bedisbursed. A sum must be agreed on: one senior commission official puts it atup to €100 billion ($111 billion), and notes that the figure rises every day ascapital controls eat into Greece’s economy. Greece would have to beginimplementing some of its reforms. And several euro-zone parliaments would haveto assent to a third bail-out.

    Greece’smost vocal foes in recent weeks have been the euro zone’s poorer members, suchas Slovakia and Lithuania, who compare the Greek record on reform unfavourablywith their own. Germany has been more restrained, exercising its responsibilityas the euro zone’s de facto leader. But a new deal would be highly unpopularthere, both with the people and the politicians.

    TheBundestag would have to vote twice to pass a new bail-out: once, to authoriseAngela Merkel, the chancellor, to negotiate it; again to ratify it. The SocialDemocrats, the junior partners in her government, would probably be willing toback her. The party has historically been supportive ofGreece although its boss, Sigmar Gabriel, is one of those to have taken a muchmore hawkish line since MrTsipras called his referendum. Mrs Merkel’s bigger problem is her own parliamentarygroup, consisting of the Christian Democratic Union and its more conservativeBavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union. Many in the CDU resentedbeing cajoled into backing an extension to Greece’s second bail-out inFebruary. In recent weeks the chorus of CDU and CSU memberscalling for a Grexit has grown. Mrs Merkel will prevail in the votes, but she will beweakened and embarrassed in the process. Much depends on how enthusiasticallyher finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, helps her sell a deal in parliament.MrSchäuble sees the Greeks as an impediment to his dream of deepeningintegration among the other euro-zone members; in Athens he is thepersonification of German cruelty.

    The fundamental flaws

    However it ends, the Greek crisis has raised anumber of awkward questions. The role of the ECB, which has been keeping Greece’s banksalive, is one. Nicolas Véron, a senior fellow at the Bruegel think-tank, notesthat the way in which the euro zone is governed puts the ECB in an “impossibleposition”. The bank is the closest thing to a federal agency in the euro zone,and therefore carries much of the decision-making burden, particularly in timesof crisis. But because there is no central political authority, everygovernment wants a say. That exposes the ECB to political pressure, not leastvia its own governing council, which includes the central-bank governors of all19 euro-zone countries. One day it faces accusations of meekly doing thecreditors’ bidding by turning the screws on the Greeks by limiting the banks’liquidity, causing them to close. The next it is accused of a leniency thatcomes close to violating its own prohibitions on monetary financing of states.

    A related, even deeper problem is an unavoidable part of acurrency union not backed by a political one: democratic deficit. Greece’screditors are right that 18 members of the euro zone cannot be bound by thedecisions of one. At the same time if Greece remains in the euro it will bebecause MrTsipras has had to capitulate entirely despite clear backing from hisfellow citizens. At best, that will leave Greeks feeling more demoralised thanever, and probably more embittered. Conditions agreed to under duress may notbe met; stereotypes of bloodsucking Germans and indolent Greeks may spread.“It’s starting to eat Europe,” says a demoralised EU official. The sort ofpolitical imagination needed to help Europe’s citizens see each other as thesame sort of people involved in a common project has never been more necessaryand less apparent.

    Suchconcerns will not soon be addressed; more immediate tasks are at hand as Greeceis either bound back in to the euro zone in a way not to its liking or pushedout. Mr Tusk, for one, is worried about Grexit playing to Russia’s advantage.And MrTsipras faces a grim dilemma: to betray the hope he stirred in thelong-suffering Greek people, or to lead them to a devastating Grexit they donot want.


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