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    OCTOBER1, 2015
    China's Butler Boom
    作者:比昂卡·博斯克(Bianca Bosker)
    A butler-in-training in Chengdu, China.CREDIT FRED DUFOUR / AFP / GETTY
    On a recent morning at abutler-training school in Chengdu, China, lessons began at 8A.M., with an exercise in “opening the villa.”

    When I arrivedat the gated development where the school is housed, a middle-agedstudent was on her knees scrubbing the pedals of a grand piano, while anothersidestepped vacuum cleaners to hoist immaculate white furniture onto a balcony.A rotating cast of young Chinese women in black blazers took turns offering mecoffee. After an hour spent dusting under wine bottles and teacups(this was “basic cleaning”—not to be confused, I learned, with “deep cleaning,”which would be covered in a future lesson), the students folded matching whitegloves into their pockets and took seats on red velvet chairs in amarble-walled dining room. There, Thomas Kaufmann, a forty-one-year-oldSwiss butler, glided noiselessly to the front of the class—a demonstration of akey tenet of butler practice, that help should be “silent and invisible”—todeliver a lecture on catering to the needs and whims of the super-rich. As headdressed dilemmas such as what to do if you encounter your boss, or “principal,”in the nude (“Running out of the room would also be wrong, because he may needyour service”), a translator repeated his talking points in Mandarin, and thepens of the nine students in attendance flew across identical leather-boundnotebooks.

    Kaufmann—or Mr. Kaufmann, for butlers must be vigilant in theuse of honorifics—was, until recently, the head instructor at Chengdu’sInternational Butler Academy, the first satellite branch of a twenty-year-oldDutch school of the same name. The Chinese outpost, which was founded inpartnership with the Chinese real-estate company Langji, opened its doors lastJuly. Since then, hundreds of fledgling butlers have passed through the school’ssix-week course, which includes at least fifteen hours of training a day, sixdays a week, to prepare students for the gruelling schedules they’ll keep intheir future posts managing stables, castles, and private planes. Theschool advertises that graduates can expect to earn starting salaries of aroundtwenty thousand RMB, or approximately three thousand dollars, per month.(By contrast, the average ayi, or Chinesemaid, in Shanghai earns around five thousand RMB, or less than eight hundred dollars, per month).

    The Academy is justone of many institutions that have lately been helping to bring the art ofwhite-glove service to China. Among the country’s business élite andsuper-rich, the demand for butlers is exploding, fuelled especially by high-endhotels and luxury real-estate firms like Langji, which sometimes bundle butlerservices with the homes they sell.  AspiringChinese butlers can now take courses at, among others, the Asia Butler Academy,Magnums Butler International, the International Butler Training Academy, andthe Bespoke Bureau,which, for an extra fee, will provide lessons in feigning aBritish accent. The British Butler Institute—whose head of training, GaryWilliams, previously served as a butler to British royalty and Prime Ministers,including Margaret Thatcher—has schools in nine cities across the world, fiveof them in China. The profession’s commitmentto privacy makes it difficult to estimate the number of professionalbutlers, but every staffing agency I spoke to agreed that the People’s Republicis now the world’s fastest-growing market for their services. The InternationalButler Academy’s founder, Robert Wennekes, decided to expand his business toChina after attending a gala in Beijing in 2012 where his tablemate, theChinese Minister of Education, estimated that her country had an appetite for “inexcess of a hundred thousand butlers.”

    Among China’sburgeoning population of new millionaires (their ranks have tripled since 2012,to more than 3.6 million) there is a peculiar appetite for the fusty trappingsof European nobility. Chinese real-estate developments with names like MajestyManor and Top Aristocrat package themselves as enclaves of OldWorld opulence, their properties complete with moats, replicas ofBuckingham Palace gates, and mansions modelled after Versailles. RollsRoyce has begun offering Chinese customers chauffeur training with purchasesfrom its seven-figure Phantom line, and Christie’shas opened a specialized agency to help Chinese buyers purchase wine estatesabroad. For Chinese élites who are eager to adopt lifestyles commensurate withtheir massive wealth, such status symbols lenda recognizable veneer ofWestern-style aristocracy. (Many in the industry attribute the trend to theimmense popularity of “Downton Abbey,” which has given millions of Chineseviewers a window into Edwardian upstairs-downstairs living.) Even as thegovernment’s anti-corruption campaign has driven down sales of more pedestrianluxury goods like handbags and watches, the butler business continues to boom.

    But just as the realVersailles wasn’t built in a day, the centuries-old traditions of authenticEuropean butlery can’t be imported to China overnight.When Kaufmann first arrived in Chengdu, in 2012, to take a positionat Langji, he was installed in the showroom of the company’s newest apartmentcomplex, an art-deco high-rise designed to evoke Gilded Age glamor. Accordingto a fellow-instructor at the Academy, Chris Noble, Kaufmann served primarilyas a prop, there to impress prospective buyers with his tea service and Swissaccent. “At first, there was high demand for the Western butler to stand insomeone’s house all day and do nothing,” he told me. (Kaufman said, “In thebeginning, having a butler was like having a Ferrari. You have a Ferrari in thegarage and a butler in the living room.”) Quantity has sometimes takenprecedence over quality. Gary Williams, of the British Butler Institute, toldme about a request he received from a Chinese property developer who needed twohundred butlers “urgently”: “They said, ‘We don’t care where they come from.Just find them in a restaurant and we’ll dress them to look like butlers.’

    Schools like theAcademy, however, are hoping to teach the kind of studiedservitude andimpeccable Western etiquette that comes with proper butler pedigrees. Studentslearn European table manners, how to serve black-tie dinners, and how tochoose between Christofle and Riedel glassware.(Sample quizquestion: What wine does the company Villeroy and Boch produce? Answer:None. They make porcelain.) They undergo instruction in butlery’s subtlerlaws of decorum and discretion: how to mediate between governesses and maids,how to conceal principals’ mistresses from their wives, how to keep up theencyclopedic log of clients’ preferences known as a “butler book.” (“If wechange jobs because we leave, or we retire, or we die, or whatever, we have tomaintain the standards of the house,” Kaufmann told his class.) In somecases, butlers may be responsible for helping newly wealthy principals navigatethe demands of cosmopolitanupper-class life. Kaufmann, who recently left Chinaand returned to Switzerland, told me that many clients are eager for live-inassistants who can guide them through “pitfalls” like “what to wear to certainoccasions, how to behave at a formal dinner, how to use a knife and fork”—expertise that,he says, can help in readying Chinese children to study abroad or “preparingyoung ladies to marry rich gentlemen.” (A similar logic has led to a surge infinishing schools in China.) When I complimented Kaufmann on how gracefully hisstudents had handled their own silverware at lunch, he said, “You have Americantable manners—you switch hands. I was thinking, ‘I hope my students don’t lookat you.’

    The Academy pitches butler training as part of a mission to elevateChinese standards of hospitality and, in so doing, foster respect for servicepositions that in China have traditionally been considered low in status. Before Kaufmann’s evening lecture, the C.E.O. of Langji,CaiLingyu, delivered a speech encouraging students to see themselves astrailblazers in a revolution of sorts. “Ordinary people in China, when theyhear about someone in a service position, they think the person is supposed tobe in a lower position. But now, that concept is changing,” she said. “It’snot only happening in society but in our students’ hearts.” Among the studentsI met, few had come from the service industry themselves; there was a nurse, aformer student counsellor, a college senior, and an ex-wedding planner. (Incontrast to traditional European butlers, almost all of them were women.) Butmany seemed to buy into Cai’s idea. Wu Zhiyou, a twenty-nine-year-old whopreviously managed a marina in Shenzhen, first discovered the concept ofservice-with-a-smile while living in Singapore. She told me, “In the West, Ifeel everyone is happy and full of smiles. But in China everyone is doing theopposite…. It’s like the environment: if everyone does a little bit, it getsbetter.”

    Wu admitted that thismight sound idealistic. Rather than elevating service jobs or spreadinghappiness through genteel subservience, the Chinese butler phenomenon seems aslikely to promote new shades of class-consciousness in the intenselyaspirational New China. During dinner at the Academy, students took theirplaces at a long table set with a white tablecloth and freshly polished forksand knives. As they ate dishes of rice, tofu, and stir-fried meats, a group ofcoiffed, Birkin-bag-toting women sat with Cai in an adjacent sitting areaenjoying British-style tea. They picked at crustless cucumber sandwiches andFrench pastries, attended to by three butlers who refilled porcelain teacupsand refreshed petits fours. Between duties, one of the butlers, a graduate ofthe Academy, stood motionless in the corner, her gloved hands folded over ablack uniform—not a butler’s suit but a knee-length dress paired with pearls. “Ifeel so sorry for her—she looks like a waitress,” Wu whispered. “If I were her,I would quit.”

    翻译by Snare
    校对 by 风云侠
    终校 by Gabriellaz

    中国涌现管家潮(请使用Adobe reader打开!).pdf (259.77 KB, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 20 树币)

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