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  • TA的每日心情
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    发表于 2014-10-27 09:35:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Man over board

    looking back, John Aldridge knew it was a stupid move.  When you’re alone on the deck of a lobster boat in the middle  of the night, miles off the tip of Long Island, you don’t take  chances. But he had work to do: He needed to start pumping water into the Anna Mary’s holding tanks to chill so that when he and his  fishing partner and best friend, Anthony Sosinski, reached their first string of traps a few miles farther south, the water would be cold  enough to keep the lobsters alive for the return trip.
    回首往事,约翰·奥尔德里奇知道自己做了件蠢事。当你在离长岛一端几英里外,深夜独自一人在龙虾甲板上时,你可不该冒险。但是他有工作要做:他要开始往安娜玛丽的储存罐里注水冷却,这样,当他和他的捕鱼伙伴——也是他最好的朋友——安东尼 索新斯基到达离南边几英里远的他们布下的第一串罗网处时,这里的水能冷得足以保持龙虾活着回程。

    In order to get to the tanks, he had to open a metal hatch on the deck.  And the hatch was covered by two 35-  gallon Coleman coolers—giant plastic  insulated ice chests that he and Sosinski had filled before leaving the dock  in Montauk harbor seven hours earlier.  The coolers, full, weighed about 200  pounds, and the only way for Aldridge  to move them alone was to snag a box hook onto the plastic handle of the  bottom one, brace his  legs, lean back, and pull  with all his might.

    And then the handle  snapped.

    Suddenly Aldridge  was flying backward,  tumbling across the deck  toward the back of the  boat, which was wide  open, just a flat, slick  ramp leading straight  into the black ocean.  The water hit him like a slap. He went  under, took in a mouthful of Atlantic  Ocean, and then surfaced, sputtering.  He yelled as loud as he could, hoping  to wake Sosinski. But the diesel engine  was too loud, and the Anna Mary, on  autopilot, was already out of reach.  

    Aldridge, 45, had been a fisherman  for almost two decades, and he knew  that the first thing you do if you fall  into the ocean is kick off your boots— they’re dead weight. But as he treaded water, Aldridge realized that his boots  were lifting him up, weirdly elevating  his feet and tipping him backward.  

    Aldridge reached down and pulled  off his left boot. Straining, he turned  it upside down, raised it up until it  cleared the waves, and then plunged  it back into the water, trapping a bootsize bubble of air inside. He tucked  the inverted boot under his left armpit. Then he did the same thing with  the right boot. It worked; they were  like twin pontoons, and treading  water with his feet alone was now  enough to keep him  stable and afloat.

    The boots gave  Aldridge a chance to  think. He tried to take  stock: It was about 3:30  a.m. on July 24, 2013.  The North Atlantic water  was a chilly 72 degrees.  Dawn was two hours  away. Aldridge set a  goal: Stay afloat till sunrise. Once the sun came  up, he knew, someone was bound to  start searching for him.

    It was a little after 6 a.m. when Anthony Sosinski awoke. Shipmate Mike Migliaccio first saw that Aldridge was missing and yelled for Sosinski. Sosinski tried to puzzle it out:  Before he went to sleep at 9 p.m., he  told Aldridge to wake him at 11:30 p.m.  Now it was past dawn, and they were  more than 15 miles past their traps.  What could have happened? The men looked everywhere on the 45-feet long boat before sosinski ran to the VHFradio. He switched to channel 16, the distress channel, and at  6:22 a.m., he called for help, his voice  shaking: “Coast Guard, this is the Anna  Mary.We’ve got a man overboard.”

    The Coast Guard’s headquarters  for Long Island and coastal Connecticut is in New Haven. That morning,  Petty Officer Sean Davis stood watch at the station’s communications unit.  Davis radioed back, asking Sosinski  for details. He then turned to Pete  Winters, the operations  unit watch stander, who  was working the Coast  Guard’s search-and-  rescue computer program, known as Sarops.

    By 6:28, the command  center had notified  search mission commander Jonathan Theel  in New Haven and the  search coordinator at  the district headquarters  in Boston, who would have to approve  the use of any aircraft in the search. At  6:30, Davis issued a universal distress call on channel 16, asking mariners to  keep a sharp lookout.

    Davis contacted the Montauk Coast  Guard station with instructions to  launch all available boats and radioed  Air Station Cape Cod to tell them to get  airborne as soon as possible.  Winters, meanwhile, was manning  the computer. Sarops can generate,  in minutes, as many as 10,000 points  to represent how far and in what direction a “search object” might  have drifted.  

    The challenge in Aldridge’s case  was that the search team had no clear  idea of when or where he’d fallen overboard. That created a potential search  area larger than Rhode Island, an  1,800-square-mile sweep of ocean that  would be almost impossible to cover.

    The team in New Haven based its initial calculations on Sosinski’s report  that Aldridge was supposed to wake  him up at 11:30 p.m.  That suggested to them  that Aldridge had fallen  overboard between 9:30  p.m. and 11:30 p.m.,  which would put him  somewhere between  five and 20 miles south  of the Long Island coast.  Winters input those assumptions, and Sarops  came back with an  “Alpha Drift” model  showing the highest-probability locations, clustered about 15 miles offshore.

    The next step for Sarops was to develop search patterns for each boat  and aircraft. A little before 8 a.m.,  New Haven started issuing patterns  to a plane, a Jayhawk helicopter, and  a 47-foot-long patrol boat from Montauk. The helicopter was piloted by  Air Station Cape Cod lieutenants  Mike Deal and Ray Jamros. They were  joined by two crew members: a rescue swimmer named Bob Hovey and  a flight mechanic named Ethan Hill.
    搜救优化计划系统所要做的下一步是为每一艘船和每架飞机分配搜索任务。上午8点不到,纽黑文就开始向一架飞机,一架杰霍克直升机和一艘47英尺长的蒙特巡逻艇发布搜索方案。直升机由鳕鱼角飞机场的海军上尉迈克 迪尔和雷 詹姆罗斯驾驶。有两名乘客和他们协作:救生员鲍勃 霍维和飞行机师伊桑 希尔。

    The Coast Guard search was off to an excellent start. The only problem,  of course, was that everyone involved  was searching in entirely the wrong  place: Aldridge did not fall into the  water at 10:30 p.m.; he fell at 3:30 a.m.  Almost 30 miles south of where the  Jayhawk crew was carefully searching  for him, Aldridge was clinging to his  boots in the cold water.

    Back on the Anna Mary, Sosinski had been having second thoughts about the search area. After his initial conversation with Davis, he inspected the boat more carefully. One of the hatches was open, and the pumps were on, sluicing cool ocean water through the lobster tanks. In the summer months, Aldridge and Sosinski would start filling the  tanks when their boat reached the 40-fathom curve, the line on maritime  charts that marks where the ocean’s depth hits 40 fathoms, or 240 feet, which is the point at which the water temperature tends to drop. Then Sosinski found the broken handle on the ice chest, and he realized exactly how Aldridge had fallen overboard.

    Together Sosinski and Winters came up with a new theory: Aldridge had gone overboard somewhere between the 40-fathom curve, about 25 miles offshore, and the location of the Anna Mary’s first trawl, about 40 miles offshore. At 8:30 a.m., Winters passed this new information to Jason Rodocker, a petty officer and an expert in Sarops. Rodocker punched in the new variables, and the program spit out a second set of search patterns.
    索辛斯基和温特斯共同提出了一个新的猜想:奥尔德里奇是在40英寻水深线(离海岸大约25英里)和安娜玛丽号的第一串罗网(离海岸大约40英里)之间的某个地方落水的。上午8:30,温特斯把这条新的消息传给了海军士官贾森 里道科尔,他同时也在搜救优化计划系统上是个专家。里道科尔输入了这组新的变量,随之这个程序就输出了另一组搜索方案。

    The news about Aldridge was also spreading through Montauk’s fishing community, and 21 commercial boats volunteered to help. Davis couldn’t communicate with all 21 at once on top of the Coast Guard craft he was directing, so Winters hit on an idea: They would put Sosinski in charge of sending out the search patterns for the volunteer fishing fleet.  Sosinski focused his energy on the commercial boats, but none of it felt like enough. Aldridge had left his driver’s license on the Anna Mary, and every once in a while, Sosinski would pick it up. He’d stare at it and say out loud, “Where are you, John?”

    Aldridge and Sosinski first fished together as boys, riding their bikes to a spot they’d found under Sunrise Highway in Oakdale, New York. Once Aldridge joined Sosinski in Montauk, they fished for years on separate boats. When a beat-up lobster boat called the Anna Mary came up for sale, they decided to pool their money and buy it together.

    When the sun rose on July 24, Aldridge gave himself a new assignment: Find a buoy. That way he would be more visible to the searchers, and it would be easier to stay afloat.

    For a couple of hours, he drifted and looked. Finally, Aldridge spotted a buoy about 200 feet away and began swimming. His strokes were short and slow with the boots under his arms and the current against him. Each time he looked up, the buoy was farther away.

    Aldridge stopped swimming, realizing that he was becoming dangerously exhausted. He was able to see that the buoy he had been swimming toward had a flag on top of it, which lobster fishermen attach to the west end of their strings. Lobster traps are always laid out along an east-west line, so Aldridge figured that a mile or so east, he would find the other end of that string of traps, and with it, another buoy. He started swimming east.

    Even with the current, swimming was painful work. His legs were cramping. He couldn’t feel his fingers. The sun, rising higher in front of him, was blinding. After more than an hour, he spotted a buoy, and using the current, he was able to angle himself directly into it. He grabbed the rope and held on.

    By noon, Aldridge had been in the water for almost nine hours.  He was starting to shiver uncontrollably. Sea shrimp were fastening themselves to his T-shirt and shorts. Storm petrels swarmed around occasionally, squawking and diving.

    Aldridge could see the rescue aircraft overhead. Even if they’d figured out more or less where he fell in, they hadn’t taken into account the possibility that he’d stopped drifting and snagged a buoy. He had to get himself farther east. He pulled his knife out of his pocket and cut the rope that held the buoy in place. He tied it around his wrist and began swimming.

    He willed himself to keep kicking until he reached another buoy. He untied the rope from his wrist and tied it to the anchor rope underneath the new buoy. Now he had two buoys connected by a few feet of rope. He straddled the rope, repositioned the boots under his arms, and waited. He knew he couldn’t survive another swim. If he was still in the water at sundown, he decided, he would tie himself to the buoy. That way, his parents would have something to bury.  

    The crew in the Jayhawk helicopter had been staring at the water since about 7 a.m., and by early afternoon, they were growing discouraged. The crew finished  another search pattern—their third of the day—and requested a new one. From the command center, Davis radioed coordinates, and at 2:46 p.m., the helicopter started moving again.  Twelve minutes later, Lieutenant Jamros called out, “Mark! Mark!  Mark!”—protocol when an object has  been spotted. There was John Aldridge, sitting on the rope between his two buoys, clutching his boots and waving frantically. After Aldridge was safely in the helicopter, huddled under blankets, Lieutenant Deal flipped the radio to channel 21 and called Sosinski, who was staring out at the water, still looking for Aldridge. “Anna Mary,” Deal  said, “we have your man. He’s alive.”

    In the weeks after Aldridge’s rescue, I talked to several local fishermen about the search, and most of them teared up as they recounted the story. The inescapable risk of their jobs goes mostly unspoken in their lives, and the improbable fact that Aldridge hadn’t drowned somehow underscored that risk even more.  

    The person who seems least shaken by the experience is John Aldridge. He has no nightmares, no flashbacks, no fear when he goes out on the water to work. The Coast Guard pilots and the men in New Haven express pride when they talk about their work that day, and when Aldridge talks about it, he sounds the same way: “I always felt like I was conditioning myself for that situation. Thank God they saved me. But I felt I did my part.”

    翻译: 小奇  urban
    校对: 攸宁  
    总监 : 小潮  副总监 :攸宁
    第五期.落水人(请用Adobe reader打开).pdf (223.35 KB, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 20 树币)

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