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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-30 15:04
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    发表于 2016-4-30 14:18:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    One ofAfrica’s Biggest Dams Is Falling Apart

    FEBRUARY 2, 2016

    Despiteefforts to slow the facility’s decline and correct structural problems, KaribaDam is crumbling; a dam collapse at the site would prove disastrous for theentire region.CREDITPHOTOGRAPHBY JEKESAI NJIKIZANA / AFP / GETTY
    尽管对卡里巴水库中的设施老化和结构问题进行了各种延缓、修正措施,这座水坝还是处于崩塌边缘;水坝的倒塌将对这整个地区造成毁灭性伤害。贾克赛·尼吉克扎那 /法新社/华盖图片社 供图

    Thenew year has not been kind to the hydroelectric-dam industry. On January 11th,the New York Times reported that Mosul Dam, the largest suchstructure in Iraq, urgently requires maintenance to prevent its collapse, adisaster that could drown as many as five hundred thousand people downstreamand leave a million homeless. Four days earlier, the energy minister of Zambiadeclared that Kariba Dam, which straddles the border between his country andZimbabwe, holding back the world’s largest reservoir, was in “dire” condition.An unprecedented drought threatens to shut down thedam’s power production, which supplies nearly half the nation’s electricity.

    Thenews comes as more and more of the biggest hydroelectric-dam projects aroundthe world are being cancelled or postponed. In 2014, researchers at OxfordUniversity reviewed the financial performance of two hundred and forty-fivedams and concluded that the “construction costs of large dams are too high toyield a positive return.” Other forms of energy generation—wind, solar, andminiature hydropower units that can be installed inside irrigation canals—arebecoming competitive, and they cause far less social and environmental damage.And dams are particularly ill-suitedto climate change, which simultaneously requires that they belarger (to accommodate the anticipated floods) and smaller (to becost-effective during the anticipated droughts).

    Mosul Dam’s predicament is partly a result of the ongoing war;many maintenance workers have not returned there since August of 2014,when ISIS fighters brieflytook control. (Iraqi and Kurdish forces soon regained it.) But the main issueis that, like many such dams, the project shouldn’t exist in the first place.Opened in 1986, it was built on unstable gypsum bedrock, requiring grout to beconstantly injected into the foundation to prevent the dam’s collapse. That work has ceased. In 2006, long before ISIS began making headlines, theU.S. Army Corps of Engineers called Mosul Dam “the most dangerous dam in the world.造成摩苏尔大坝困境的原因之一是不间断的战争;但是更重要的是,很多维修工人自从ISIS2014年8月份控制这里就再也没返回工作过。(尽管伊拉克库尔德人不久又夺回了这里。)但最大的问题在于,有些工程从一开始就不应该存在。建立在不稳定的膏岩基层上的摩苏尔大坝于1986年投入使用,期间不断灌浆填补防止大坝坍塌。现在这项工作已经停止了。早在ISIS成为头版头条之前,美国陆军工程兵团就在2006年称这座大坝为“世界上最危险的大坝”。

    Kariba’s difficulties are more complicated. It has beennearly incapacitated by ongoing drought, which has lowered the reservoir’svolume to twelve per cent of its usual capacity. But if the reservoir isrefilled, the dam faces the possibility of collapse. It was built in the latenineteen-fifties, and in the years since water flowing through the dam’s six floodgates has carved a three-hundred-foot-deep pit, or plunge pool,at its base. The plunge pool extends to within a hundred and thirty feet of thedam’s foundation; if it reaches the foundation, the dam will collapse. Thatseems hard to imagine now, with the reservoir at a record-low level. But theZambezi River Basin, on which the dam sits, is the most susceptible of Africa’sthirteen basins to exceptional droughts and floods, and climate change isintensifying both.

    Kariba’s collapse, like Mosul’s, would constitute an epochal eventin the history of energy development—the dam industry’s Chernobyl. The ensuingtorrent would be four times bigger than the Zambezi’s biggest recorded flood,in 1958, and would release enough water to knock over another major dam threehundred miles downstream, in Mozambique. At least three million people live inthe flood’s path; most would die or lose their crops or possessions. Aboutforty per cent of the electricity-generating capacity of twelve southernAfrican nations would be eliminated.

    The dam,four hundred and twenty feet tall and nearly two thousand feet wide, was builtwith financing from the World Bank to provide power for the copper mines ofwhat was then Northern Rhodesia. The designersintended to make the dam impervious to a one-in-ten-thousand-year flood, buttheir calculations were based on only three decades of Zambezi flow data—aperiod too short to permit credible forecasting. This flaw became apparent in1957, when the site, still under construction, was hit with a flood bigger thanthe designers’ worst-case projection. The planners hurriedly enlarged thespillway, but in 1958 the project was hit by another flood, twice as big as theprevious one, so the spillway was expanded again. Morerecent projections, cited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,indicate that the Zambezi River Basin will experience still drier and moreprolonged droughts and even bigger floods in years to come.

    Since the nineteen-nineties, Kariba’soperators have been allowed to open only three of the dam’s six floodgates at atime, for fear of enlarging the plunge pool. If the reservoir fills to adangerous level, the operators face two options: allow water to flow over thetop of the dam and tumble down its face, threatening the foundation, or, morelikely, open more than three floodgates, causing the plunge pool to expand. Tohead off a catastrophe, the World Bank and other international lenders agreedin November of 2014 to provide a loan of nearly three hundred million dollarsto repair it, stating that the project requires “immediate attention.”

    But “immediate” means decades, notyears. “It takes a long time to carry out the necessary due diligence andsecure the financin for a complex project like this,” Munyaradzi Munodawafa,the chief executive of the Zambezi River Authority, which operates Kariba, toldme in an e-mail. “We‘re looking at a fifteen-to twenty-year process, in which weare five years under way.” To repair the dam, workers will enlarge the plungepool downstream, to reduce erosion near the foundation. But it’s not certain towork, and major flooding could occur before the repairs are completed.

    The World Bank and otherinternational financiers like dams because they seem to offer large-scalesolutions to energy and water shortages. Kariba is just one of more than twothousand large dams in Africa; Zimbabwe, one of the world’s poorest nations,has at least two hundred and fifty-four. But maintaining a dam is expensive—andmuch less popular than building one. Even in affluent countries such as theUnited States—whose dam infrastructure is in sufficient disrepair to haveearned a “D” rating from the American Society of Civil Engineers, in 2013—maintenanceis often neglected; it’s not likely to fare better in impoverished,corruption-ridden countries such as Zimbabwe or Iraq. Dams can’t be drained, and dismantling them can be as costly asbuilding them. It’s the trap of Industrial Age technology: once mechanizedsystems supplant natural ones, they must be managed in perpetuity, or else theybreak down.



    翻译by Snare
    校对 by 管制风云侠
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