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第六十三期杂志-《未来的虚拟游戏,让你形同吸毒》Part 1

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-30 15:04
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    发表于 2016-12-3 09:55:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    ‘People willfall for it like a drug'
    —Game devson the futureof VR
    Part 1

    Industry luminaries discuss the promise and pitfalls ofimpending headsets with Ars.

    Part 1

    Say hello to the HTCVive Pre—the near-final version of the VR system. The headset comes completewith two tracking wands and two laser-tracking stations.

    Recent version of the Oculus Rift in its carryingcase.
    最新版本的Oculus VR公司发行的一款虚拟现实装置正静静地躺在包装盒里。

    An early prototype of the Rift is watching yoooooooou.

    Gaming Editor Kyle Orland does his best Lawnmower Manimpersonation using an early Oculus Rift in 2013.
    2013年,游戏编辑凯尔·奥兰使用早期的Oculus Rift装置,在《异度空间:割草人》③中获得了他最佳的角色扮演体验。

    Any excuse to show Ars' Sebastian Anthony in a Viveheadset circa Spring 2015 is a good one.
    大概是在2015年春天,Ars记者塞巴斯蒂安 ·安东尼尝试了“活力”(Vive)头戴视图器装置。毋庸置疑,这是一次很好的体验。

    by Kyle Orland - Mar 1,2016 5:50pm CET
    作者:凯尔·奥兰     2016年3月1日  下午5:50(中欧标准时间)

    Nine years ago, when thefirst iPhone was about to debut, not many people envisioned arevolution that would fundamentally change the shape of the game industry (forgood or for ill). Today, as we await the impending release of high-end consumervirtual reality headsets from the likes of Oculus, Valve, and Sony, it feelslike we're at a similar crossroads.

    Unlike the slow, quiet dawnof smartphone gaming, the hype around VR has been building to a relentless,deafening pitch for years. Yet despite this hype, theindustry and those watching it seem relatively split on the eventualimpact of VR gaming. It could be a smartphone-leveltechnological change—the biggest the gaming industry has seen inyears—or it could be a quickly irrelevant fad on the order of the Wii orKinect.
    与智能手机游戏市场垂暮之景不同,近些年来,对虚拟现实产品的大肆宣传不断,甚嚣尘上,已达顶峰。尽管如此,对于虚拟现实游戏最终会带来怎样的影响,厂商与那些持观望态度的业内人士却有所分歧,各持己见。它有可能会在智能手机层面引起一起技术性的变革,而这其中的变革也将是近几年游戏产业里面最大的一次;或者它跟产业变革毫无关系,会随着Wii 或者Kinect之类产品可以开始订购后而从市场隐去 。

    The answer to that questionwill determine the state of the video game market for years to come. So as manyof the industry's biggest names gathered for the DICE Summit and Awardsceremony in late February, I asked everyone I could get my hands on what theythought virtual reality gaming would look like a decade from now. The range ofresponses shows just how unsettled, and unsettling, the fate of the latestvirtual reality boom really is.

    Lessons of the past
    Those that have been in theindustry long enough to remember the last wave of VR hype, back in themid-'90s, largely agree something feels different this time around. "Wewanted Snow Crash to happen, and then we put onthe things, and it was just Pterodactyl Terror, and weall threw up," said Double Fine founder Tim Schafer (Monkey Island,Psychonauts). Perhaps it's telling he misnamed the less-than-impressive '90s VRinstallationDactyl Nightmare, butSchafer is confident in the present. "I think there's been ahuge leap [this time]."

    "I remember when LawnmowerMan came out, or Disclosure," freelancegame writer RhiannaPratchett (Mirror's Edge, Tomb Raider [2013])said, recalling the pop-culture obsession with virtual worlds at the time."Everyone was saying, 'Oh, it's going to take over,' and then it wentapproximately nowhere. It's got its foothold now, and I think that's important.It's here."

    "I remember when theVirtual Boy and the Power Glove came out," prolific video game voice actorTroy Baker (The Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite) said. "I used to play Battletech where youwent to [an arcade]... I definitely believe we'll get there [this time],because what games have shown us is a trend towards more immersive content. Themore that we can bring about that immersion into gameplay, it's really whatpeople want. To me, [VR] is the most immersive thing that you can get, wherethe reality that you're touching and experiencing is theworld that these people create."

    Even some who didn't bring updirect experiences with the VR of decades past think there's an air ofinevitability about the current virtual reality push. "The question iswhether it happens now or whether we have to wait a little longer for it,"DICE Studios Senior Producer SigurlinaIngvarsdottir (Star Wars Battlefront)said. "I think we're due for virtual reality becoming really mainstream.I'm not sure whether it's 10 years or 20 years, but Ithink at some point down the line we're going to make that leap."

    "I do see that tech assomething that will become mainstream for us," Tom Lee, creative directorat Team Ninja (Dead or Alive 5), said. "I don't think it's a fad, I don'tthink it's a niche. I think it has enough not just tech, but enough personalityfor a lot of us creators to do things that we were never able to do, so I thinkit's definitely here to stay."

    And now for somethingcompletely different
    The ability to createexperiences unlike anything that's possible in a traditional gaming on a 2Dscreen was a recurring theme as I asked attendees about VR's future potential. "I was a little skeptical when I first put themon, but I have to say I was really blown away," Fallout 4 LeadProducer Jeff Gardiner said. "I felt emotions that I think were impossibleto reproduce without that medium—a real sense of fear, a real sense of wonder."

    How much have things really changed since virtualreality games like Dactyl Nightmare failed to set the world on fire?

    In particular, Gardinerrecalled a moment in an HTC Vive demo in the Portaluniverse, where"they open up the thing in the bottom of the floor, and I honestly feltfor a second... my gut reaction was a fear of falling. No matter how good youdo on a 2D screen, you can't reproduce that."

    "I think it has so much potential for greatstorytelling, so much potential everywhere," Pratchett added. "Beingable to put players into a relaxing environment, there are health benefits in thatalone. Take away narrative and just transport me to a beach, or a jungle, orthe countryside if you live in the city, or the city if you live in thecountryside. That'sreally exciting."

    To those who might thinkVR hype is being pushed by clueless moneyed investors trying to force demandfor an unwanted product, Supergiant Games Amir Rao (Transistor, Bastion) says the intereston the development side is real. "Thething I have noticed, at least among people I know who work in VR, is thepassion is really crazy high in a way I think is pretty inspiring to see. Howexcited the people who are working on either the hardware or the software orcool new games or solving new problems, is how thrilled they are to be doingthat stuff. That,to me, is a good sign.

    Put the brakes on the hype train

    For all the over-the-top love from many industry movers and shakers, therewere just as many reactions ranging from somewhat skeptical to downrightbearish on the VR hype. Even some who saw the potential for the technologycouldn't quite see the path to large-scale, mainstream success in the near future.

    "I'm still having a hard time with it taking off," Mortal Kombat co-creator and NetherRealm Studios founder Ed Boon said. "I don'tthink it's going to take over like console games. It's very immersive, but youreally need to commit to the experience. It's not like a phone experience,where you take it with you while you're in the car or something like that.[But] I think its novelty is so powerful that there will always be a place forit."

    The high initial cost of VR headsets (and the additional hardware needed to run them) was also a concern forsome in the industry. "I think where we're at right now, it's still verymuch an installation thing," Baker said. "I don't know what's goingto bring it into the living room. For Oculus, they just announced you're goingto need a $1,500 computer... $2,000 if you want to get it specced out the wayyou want. That's a big price point, so I think it's going to be early adoptersthat have to really push it in."

    Others saw the initial high prices as a natural starting point for a newmedium. "It's early tech, right?" Moon Studios' GennadiyKorol (Oriand the Blind Forest) said. "It's going to be expensive, the firstrevision is always going to be rough. The first iPhone wasn't perfect either,right? It will take a couple of iterations, but there's no doubt that it's thefuture of entertainment."

    Even assuming the price point eventually comes down, getting virtualreality in front of people is going to be a difficult but important step tobuilding the market. "I think a lot of us in the industry debate howquickly things are going to grow," Insomniac President and CEO Ted Price(Spyro the Dragon, Ratchet & Clank) said."Right now, early adopters for VR are highly enthusiastic and are going todrive a lot of the market. But to ensure that it goes mainstream, I thinkpeople are going to have to try it. That means it has to be accessible. Youhave to be able to try it at stores, at your friend's house, wherever you want.I think content has to be there to drive players and consumers in general toVR."
    即使假设在价格这一点上最终会有所下降,怎样让虚拟现实技术出现在大众面前是建立市场关键而困难的一步。“我觉得,我们行业里的许多人都在争论新事物的产生和发展是多么的迅速。”Insomniac game(失眠游戏)的主席和CEO 泰德•普莱斯(代表作有小龙斯派罗和瑞奇与叮当)说道:“现在,VR的早期采用者热情高涨,他们将会在很大程度上推动这一市场的发展。但是想要产品成为主流,最重要的是让玩家有机会试用它,那意味着大众必须能够接触到它。不管是在商店,在朋友家里,还是任何想去的地方,你都能够去体验。所以我认为游戏的优质内容对吸引玩家和消费者很重要。”

    ①Ars Technica美国知名科技博客媒体,创办于1998年,隶属于康泰纳仕集团,它发布新闻、评论和指导,如计算机硬件和软件、科学、科技政策和游戏视频,是IT专业人士和技术爱好者的首选。
    ②HTC Vive 由HTC与Valve联合开发的一款VR头显(虚拟现实头戴式显示器)产品,于2015年3月在MWC2015上发布
    ③TheLawmower Man: 又名天才除草人,是第一部建立在虚拟空间的电影。
    ④DICE Summit: 电子游戏行业年度集会,D.I.C.E分别为Design, Innovate, Communicate和Entertain的缩写。

    ~本篇文章未完,请待Part 2~

    翻译 by April
    校对by Mark
    终校 by Gabriellaz

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