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    本帖最后由 小山林卡 于 2017-2-5 16:14 编辑
    Man downHunting a new model for masculinity

    May 6th 2016, 12:09 BY A.M.


    TIM SAMUELS hasbeen on lots of dates. Near the beginning of “Who Stole My Spear?”, hisinvestigation of 21st-century masculinity, he describes some of them:disastrous dates, comical dates, scary and baffling dates (“Why do I keepattracting fascists?”, he wonders). He is a Tinder aficionado: in five minuteson the app, he notes, “I can view more single women than my great-grandfatherwould have seen in his entire lifetime in his village.” Judging by theseopening chapters, you might expect his book to be an amusing take on big-citysingle-manhood in theonline age. But, while it is often very funny, it is also insightful, bothindependently and in the context of broader thinking about the predicament ofcontemporary men.
    蒂姆·塞缪尔斯已经参加了很多约会。在一篇对于21世纪男性特质的调查研究 “谁偷了我的矛”一文的开始,他描述了其中的一部分:灾难般的约会、滑稽的约会和可怕尴尬的约会。(他一直在琢磨:“为什么我总是吸引法西斯主义者?” )他是一位Tinder①的狂热爱好者:花五分钟时间在这个app上,他注意到:“我能看到的单身女性比我的曾祖父在他村庄中一辈子看到的还要多。”从这些起始篇章来判断,你没准会以为他的书是一次对于互联网时代中大城市的单身男性的一次有趣呈现。然而,虽然这种想法常常是有趣的,但对于现代男性气概的困境,无论是独立地或是在更广范围情况下地思考,也是十分具有洞见的。

    There is a mini-boom in books aboutmales: the young ones parents raise, often with stereotypicalideas of what a boy should be, and the adult kind that women, and menthemselves, get lumbered with. Another new take is “Man Up”, apowerful, thought-provoking call to arms by Rebecca Asher, author of a previousbook on the troubles with modern parenting. She and Mr Samuels adduce similarwoes to explain why the attention on men is necessary: their much higherinvolvement in violent crime, as both perpetrators and victims; boys’ higher likelihood of educational failure; untreated mental-healthproblems and, compared with women, vastly higher suicide rates. The recentrecession led to an estimated 10,000 extra male suicides in Europe and NorthAmerica, according to research Mr Samuels cites. (The financial crisis and itsaftermath also led, says a Harley Street plastic surgeon he interviews, to aspike in penis augmentations.) He links his theme to big-picture issues, too,such as mass shootings in America and the rise of Islamic State. “When a youngman swaps his Primark uniform in Portsmouth for military fatigues in Syria,”hesurmises, “surely there’s anillusion of masculinity being chased”
    男性相关的书有了小型的快速增长。那些被父母养育的年轻人经常接受着一个男孩该是怎么样的陈旧观念,还有成年后男性们被女性、甚至男性自己所强加在身上的观点。另外一种新的说法是“男子气一点“,这个强有力且引人深思的呼喊源自于Rebecca Asher丽贝卡亚瑟,曾著有一本有关现代父母教育问题的书。她和塞缪尔斯列举了类似的悲惨事例来解释为何将注意力放在男性上是有必要的:他们有着更高的暴力犯罪参加率,无论作为行凶者或受害者;男孩们的教育失败风险更高;未经治疗的心理疾病,和远超女性的自杀率。根据一项由塞缪尔斯引用的研究表明,最近的经济衰退导致欧洲和北美地区增加10,000名男性自杀案例。(一位他所采访的哈利街外科整形医生同样指出,经济危机和其后果也导致了阴茎增大手术的数量高峰)他也将他的主题联系到更宏观的问题上,比如美国的大规模枪击案件和伊斯兰国的崛起。“当一个年轻人在朴茨茅斯用普利马克制服换取叙利亚的军用工作服时,”他猜测道:“这无疑会产生一种男性特征正被人所寻求的错觉。”

    In this evolving literature, onestriking aspect of Mr Samuels’s outlook is its approach to feminism. For manyfeminists, including Ms Asher, his essentialist views on some aspects ofgender, and his attribution of some behaviour to biology, especially malehormones, will seem controversial. For example, in a chapter on the challengesof monogamy, he compares the size of human testes to those of other primates,promiscuous and otherwise.  He believes that “from the day they are bornand bite harder on the mother’s nipple, boys are different.” He wants torenovate the concept of masculinity; Ms Asher thinks it bust beyond repair.

    And yet, though he writes from a zestily maleperspective, Mr Samuels is also an avowed feminist himself, raising an implicitquestion about the relationship between belief in sexual equality andbiological determinism. “Forgive men if, at times, we are a little unsure of ourfooting,” Mr Samuel says of the many discombobulations men have experienced inpublic life, at work and at home. He is clear that women continue to have itmuch tougher, still, for instance, being responsible for most of the childcareand housework, and suffering the fall-out of the male pathologies hechronicles. He also knows that many of these disorienting advances should becelebrated more than lamented. (One such is the evolution of a new, morerewarding model of fatherhood, though, as Mr Samuels points out, even as somedads change more nappies, millions of children—including a third of Americanchildren—now grow up without a father in the home.)

    Many of the laughs in “Who Stole My Spear?” come in hisrecollections of his Jewish upbringing in Manchester, England. The passage in which he describes how, as a cub reporter(literally: he was 13), he succeeded in interviewing Morrissey, who came to hishouse for tea is a particular delight. But some of his memoirish reflectionsare serious. He explores his own moods and, in asection about the consolations of religion, gives a moving account of hismother’s death when he was seven. He remembers waving goodbye to her “asshe left the house in a beige overcoat to go to hospital—an image I can stillsee like a faded Polaroid”. And, in an ambitiously hybrid form, he bolstersthese observations with reporting (he is a radio host and televisionjournalist, who has covered immigration to Britain and America’s death row),plus research into the anthropology and history of masculinity.

    Heattends a pick-up bootcamp in Miami, at which he is dispatched to chat up aRussian woman (“I deploy my full repertoire—glasnost,perestroika, pogrom”). He visits the set of a porn film in LosAngeles, then towns and villages in Ghana in which he hears of porn-inspiredrapes and its role in the spread of HIV; he is frank about the damage inflictedon both porn stars and to the sexual expectations of consumers. The impacts ofopen-plan offices, and of always-on technology, on men’s psychic well-being areamong his particular bugbears. “Raised on a diet of Bond and Bourne,” hesummarises, men are “set loose to hunt in a world of PowerPoint and 360-degreeevaluations”.

    Theremedies Mr Samuels recommends are largely sensible—and, despite their verydifferent points of origin, there is some overlap with those suggested by MsAsher. He would like the media to promote healthier models of masculinity andfor fathers to enjoy more flexible paternity leave. He is also keen on updatedcoming-of-age rituals and physical activity; he wants men to seek fulfilmentoutside work and to nurture their friendships. There is doubtless much more tosay about modern manhood, but these books demonstrate conclusively that theconversation is worth having, even urgent, and that there are many differentways of conducting it.

    ①   Tinder是一款国外的手机交友配对app

    翻译 by Ivy
    校对 by 晨晨
    终校 by Gabriellaz

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