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    本帖最后由 小山林卡 于 2017-5-13 11:07 编辑
    Where do laptops go when they die?

    Ars takes a look at the current state of e-reincarnation atDell.

    SCOTT K. JOHNSON - 10/31/2016, 5:54 PM
    斯考特 K 约翰森2016年10月31日 下午5:54


    As electronics have become increasingly ubiquitous,the never-ending upgrade churn fills an ever-larger e-graveyard. If that’swhere the story ends, we’re in real trouble. The several years of use a typicaldevice sees effectively become a short conveyor belt between mines around theworld and the local landfill. The only sensible and sustainable thing to do isto recycle the materials in our devices—ideally right into the next generationof tech.


    Responsible recycling operations (that don’t simplydump e-waste in developing countries) have an interesting set of challenges towork on. Recycling is always trying to catch up to—and is limited by—whatmanufacturers are doing. But opportunities are there for those willing to makeit a priority.


    To learn a little about the kinds of things that canbe done now and what stands in the way of doing more, Ars talked to Dell aboutits recycling efforts. Dell runs a take-back program for old devices inpartnership with Goodwill, which sells anything worth selling and sends the reston.


    Closing theloop

    In the last few years, Dell has started to movebeyond just collecting e-waste for recyclers and is trying to “close the loop”by using some of the recycled material in its products—namely the plastic.Because a limited number of types of plastic get used for electronics, e-wasteis a better resource to work with than your household recycling bin would be.Most of the plastic that comes in is suitable to be used in new products. Butit’s not quite that simple—paints, labels, “soft-touch” coatings, and additiveslike flame retardants can render plastic difficult or even impossible to workwith.


    “The base material is a good place to start, butthere’s still a good bit of engineering work to actually get the product to thepoint where the recycled plastics have the equivalent or better properties ofvirgin plastics, which is what we have to do to meet our specification needs,”Dell Director of Environmental Affairs and Global Responsibility Scott O’Connelltold Ars.

    “回收基料很好上手,但还是会有相当一部分工程上的工作需要去完成好让它们能够真正意义上和新的塑料制品有一样或者更好的效果,这才是我们为了满足这种特殊需求而要去做的。”戴尔环境事务与社会责任主主管斯考特 奥康内尔这样和Ars(亚斯)说到。

    All that plastic gets processed at a recycling plantin Texas run by Wistron, a manufacturer that was already handling refurbishingbefore it got into the e-waste business. One approach is to just shred thewhole mess and sort the pieces, but workers at this plant dismantle devices byhand to separate materials more cleanly. Plastics with disqualifyingcharacteristics head off in other directions; the rest is sorted by chemistryand color.


    That plastic is shipped to Wistron’s operations inKunshan, China, where a number of plastics manufacturers are located.(Unfortunately, e-waste collection efforts and manufacturing are on oppositesides of the planet.) Wistron’s plant, Senior Manager of Business DevelopmentEric Huang explained, takes in dismantled plastic and spits out  resin ready to be molded into something else.


    That “something else” has so far been back panelsfor Dell’s monitors and all-in-ones. “We do encounter some potential forcosmetic issues and for performance issues [with pure recycled plastic],” O’Connellsaid. “Before we rolled this out in 2014, we had about a nine-month trialprocess where we actually had to do a lot of engineering work. What we foundis, to get the properties right you do have to have a blend of recycled contentalong with virgin plastics.”


    There’s more to this recycling thing than “melt andpour,” unfortunately. Part of the recycling process involves grinding up theplastic—sometimes more than once—and this changes its properties. At every stepin the processing, and even in the design of the product, there are variablesthat could potentially be tweaked to increase the share of recycled plastic inthe blend.


    What aboutthe guts?

    The rest of the e-waste entering Wistron’s recyclingplant has a different fate. Cables go one way to have their copper recovered.Steel frames go another. Lithium-ion batteries go to dedicated lithiumoperations. Case fans might even be saved and reused. Any components that canbe yanked off circuit boards are, and then it’s on to precious metals.


    Smelting operations in Europe and Japan havetraditionally just burned off the fiberglass and melted the metals, but Wistron’sTexas plant relies on water rather than fire. Chemicals (which can be recycledfor the next batch) leach gold-plating and solder until everything just fallsoff the fiberglass board. Grinding and more chemistry can separate the variousmetals that remain.


    None of these materials is plugged directly backinto electronics made by Dell or anyone else. They just hit the commoditymarket as another source of copper, or lithium, or gold. “I thought metalswould be easy when we started working on this several years ago, but they haveactually turned out to be a little more complicated than plastics,” O’Connellsaid.


    For many metals, theelectronics industry does not dominate demand, so it makes sense for recycledmetal to simply hit the open market. There are clearly opportunities for electronics companies to use thoserecycled metals directly, but O’Connell thinks the open market will probablyalways be part of the story. There may someday be good enough tracking in theindustry that you at least know how much of the metal you’re buying isrecycled, but for now recycled material just slips invisibly into the stream.


    But for all the ways recycling could be improved,the real obstacles still come from the way products are designed. There aresimple things manufacturers can do to make products more easily recyclable,like skipping adhesives, minimizing the number of screws used, and maximizingthe ease with which a product can be taken apart. (Apple, for example, recentlyhighlighted a robotic disassembly process for end-of-life iPhones it is workingon.) “We routinely take product designers into the recyclers themselves so theycan see good design versus bad design,” O’Connell said.


    Obviously, the choice ofmaterials is the other big variable, but it’s even more complicated thanjust using easily recyclable materials. Minimizing the use of expensive materials can bringthe cost (and environmental footprint) of a product down but can also haveunintended consequences on the economics of recycling. The precious metalcontent of integrated circuit chips has declined over time, for example. “Becauseour manufacturing techniques are so air-tight and so much more clean, there’snot as much need for precious metals in those types of materials because theirinnards never get exposed to oxygen,” Huang said.


    That’s good,but it also means it’s tougher for recyclers to turn aprofit.


    Huang describes the situation as a sort of racebetween manufacturers and recyclers, with recyclers forever catching up to allthe new things manufacturers throw at them. The growing “Internet of things” isalso an “Internet of e-waste”—even light bulbs can contain circuit boards thatneed to be recycled. Recyclers have to figure out how to work with each ofthose things as they start showing up alongside the usual computers, printers,and phones.


    “In some ways, it’s gotta start on the front end, interms of consumers wanting products that are more recyclable,” Huang said.


    That’s aparticularly tough sell since consumers get almost no information about howrecyclable any given product is. A company may improve its image by advertising “green”programs, but there is little financial incentive beyond that to put the workinto solving these problems and designing for recyclability. It’s hard enoughto match competitors’ progress on all the characteristics consumers know theydo want.


    The closest thing to an Energy Star label forrecyclability is the EPEAT registry, where companies can verify that theirproducts meet an IEEE standard. (The interpretation of that standard has notalways impressed, however.) This has helped large entities like the federalgovernment follow their purchasing rules but isn’t necessarily the most usefulthing for the average consumer.


    Consumers do, at least, control what they do with adevice at the end of its useful life. You can make sure they end up inrecycling programs—and hope those programs continue to improve.


    ③EPEAT注册:即电子产品环境影响评估工具,是美国推出的针对电子产品的多维环境绩效标准。2006年EPEAT通过美国国家标准协会(ANSI)认定的程序,在美国绿色电子委员会(Green Electronics Council,GEC)的运作下,正式采用美国电子电器工程师协会(IEEE)第1680号标准,实施和推行EPEAT认证系统,对电子产品在其生命周期中就环境的影响进行评估认证。目前EPEAT仅适用于台式电脑、手提电脑和电脑显示器等产品,并正在着手制定电视产品以及影像设备产品的IEEE标准,并将逐渐扩展到白色家电产品领域。(互动百科)
    ④IEEE标准:电气和电子工程师协会( IEEE,全称是Instituteof Electrical and Electronics Engineers)是一个国际性的电子技术与信息科学工程师的协会,是目前全球最大的非营利性专业技术学会,其会员人数超过40万人,遍布160多个国家。IEEE致力于电气、电子、计算机工程和与科学有关的领域的开发和研究,在太空、计算机、电信、生物医学、电力及消费性电子产品等领域已制定了900多个行业标准,现已发展成为具有较大影响力的国际学术组织。(百度百科)

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