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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-30 15:04
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    发表于 2018-3-30 20:52:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 小山林卡 于 2018-3-30 20:56 编辑
    Practice tests help youremember—even if you don’t check if you’re correct

    Re-reading study guides is not nearly ashelpful.
    ROHEENI SAXENA - 12/1/2016, 7:09 PM


    For more than a decade, neuroscientists have known that stressimpairs memory performance—an effect likely due to the influence ofstress-related hormones. A recent article in Science shows that a specifictechnique—taking practice recall tests—can help people overcome the memory problems associated withstress. And it even works if you aren't told how well you did when practicing.

    For this work, 120 participants were asked to study lists ofnouns one at a time. After studying the list, half of the participants engagedin a cognitive task known as “study practice” in which they re-studied the list by re-reading it. The other60 participants engaged in a “retrieval practice” task, in which theytried to recall as many nouns on the list as they could, using practice tests. The retrieval practiceparticipants did not receive feedback on their performance—they didn’t know ifthey were doing a good job of recalling the nouns or not.

    One day after this memory related task, half of the study practice participants and half of theretrieval practice participants were subjected to a high-stress situation knownas the Tier Social Stress Test, a procedure that placed them in asituation in which they will be harshly judged. Therest completed a non-stressful task of equal duration. The authors measuredtheir physical state via a wristband that measured interbeat interval(heart rate) and blood volume pulse (arterial translucency) to confirm that thestress experience produced the expected response—which it did.

    When the memory performance of the different groups was compared,three main results were apparent. First, the authors found that stressedparticipants who had studied by reading over the list of nouns recalled feweritems than their non-stressed peers. This finding clearly reiterates thatstress resulted in memory impairment.

    Second, the authors found that timingfor item one was critical. There was no difference in memory performance forstressed versus non-stressed participants if the test was administered withinfive minutes of the stress experience. If, instead, the recall test occurred twenty minutes after thestress, there was a marked difference between the two different study methods.

    This tells us that it took a fair amount of time for the hormonesassociated with the stress experience to have a significant effect onmemory recall.

    Finally, the authors replicated thedifferential recall effects. They found that participantswho studied by re-reading the noun list recalled an average of 8.2 items fiveminutes after the stressful task, and an average of 7.9 items 20 minutesafter the stressful task. By comparison, participants who studied by takingpractice tests could recall an average of 9.9 items five minutes after thestressful task and could remember an average of 10.7 items 20 minutesafter encountering their stressful task. This improvement came even if they didn’t knowhow they performed on the practice tests.

    This data clearly demonstrates that the “retrieval practice”technique, in which participants completed practice tests, was more effectivefor memorization.

    The authors suggest that the decline in memory that comes withtime after the stressful encounter may be due to the biphasic nature of thestress response. The body responds to stress with two major hormonal changes.One is rapid, short-lived, and includes the secretion of epinephrine andnorepinephrine. The second response is a gradual and longer-lasting secretionof cortisol. Though the authors did not test for levels of these hormones, theythink their results are due to changes in cortisol levels that occurbetween five and 20 minutes after exposure to stress.

    This work demonstrates that some techniques for memorization aresuperior to others, particularly in high-stress situations. Future work could examinethis same phenomenon in a more natural environment, perhaps among emergencymedicine residents who are training to deal with high-stress work environmentsdaily. Regardless, for everyone who may need to learn material for upcomingrecall tests, using practice tests to solidify your memory seems to be the wayto go.

    Science, 2016. DOI: 10.1126/science.aah5067 (About DOIs).

    翻译 by 何以
    校对 by  Yarina
    终校 by Gabriellaz

    树屋微博@树屋字幕组 其他发布站点:ed2000和No视频 其他网站上传内容均属站方行为,与字幕组无关!

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    发表于 2018-3-31 23:53:34 | 显示全部楼层
    树屋微博@树屋字幕组 其他发布站点:ed2000和No视频 其他网站上传内容均属站方行为,与字幕组无关!
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