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    本帖最后由 小山林卡 于 2018-5-30 10:17 编辑
    Incredible discovery reveals the truth behind an ancient Chineselegend
    A deluge on the Yellow River 4,000 years ago led to a feat of Bronze Age hydro-engineering.

    ANNALEE NEWITZ - 8/5/2016, 8:47 PM
    安娜里·涅维茨  2016年8月5日 下午8:47

    Ancient Chinese legends tell of a catastrophic flood alongthe Yellow River that led to the founding of the Xia dynasty, roughly 4,000years ago. A legendary hero named Yu is said to have established the Xiadynasty after figuring out how to stop the flood waters by dredging,thus marking the dawn of Chinese civilization with a feat of landscapeengineering. Now, a group of geoscientists and archaeologists in China hasdiscovered that this flood actually happened.

    The group's recently published findings in Science magazine explain how theyfound traces of this historic deluge. For more than a century, archaeologistshave looked for evidence that could shed light on historical accounts of earlyChinese civilization, such as those in first century BCE book Shiji (史记,traditionally translated as Records ofthe Grand Historian). Many accounts in the Shiji have turned out to be fairly accurate, especially when itcame to the Shang dynasty that followed the Xia. Because the Shang dynastycivilization had writing, scientists have been able to verify the Shiji's accuracy from written recordsas well as material remains.

    Reconstructinga flood

    Much about the Xia dynasty, however, remains mysterious.Although this Bronze Age civilization was highly sophisticated, it did not usewriting, and the only accounts we have of it come from stories of the greatflood that Yu controlled. Now, scientists are certain there was a megaflood onthe Yellow River in roughly 1900 BCE. Ancient Chinese historiographers placedthe rise of the Xia dynasty during the 2200s BCE, so their dates were about 300years off. But whenever it happened, the flood was so devastating and enormousthat the archaeologists who discovered it have no doubt that it would have lefta lasting impression on any civilization that experienced it.

    Purduegeoscientist Darryl Granger, who worked with the research team in China,described the flood at a press conference earlier this week. The flood waters,he said, "reached up to 38 meters above the modern river level." Weknow that because the scientistsfound distinctive sediments released by the flood inthe Jishi Gorge and elsewhere downriver. Knowing the water levels helped thegroup figure out the volume of water, which, Dr. Granger said, "tells usthat the flood was [flowing] about 300 to 500 thousand cubic meters per second...It's among the largest known floods to have happened on Earth during the past10,000 years."
    作为这项研究组其中一员,来自普渡大学的地质学家达里尔·葛兰杰,在本周稍早些时候的一场新闻发布会上描述了这场洪水。对于当时的洪水强度,他是这样形容的:“比当下的河流(黄河)水位高度高出了38米。” 科学家们之所以能够判断出这一点是因为在积石峡和其他下游地区发现了一些特殊的沉积物;知道了水位高低也帮助小组成员推算出洪水体积的大小,按葛兰杰博士的描述就是:“(这个水位)告诉我们,当时的洪水速度【流速】大约是每秒300到500立方米……算得上是过去10000年中地球上已知的最大洪水之一。”

    But how did it happen? Answering that meant combiningarchaeology with an understanding of flood mechanics. Downstream from JishiGorge are the remains of a Neolithic settlement called the Lajia site, whichthe scientists noted is part of a culture "known for its early noodleremains." There, in caves, archaeologists found evidence of a massiveearthquake that killed dozens of these ancient noodle eaters. The skeletons ofthe quake victims, dated to roughly 1900 BCE, were covered in the same kind offlood sediments that the researchers found upstream. On top of the floodsediments they found another layer of sediment that was from a typical rainyseason. That told the researchers two things: one, there was a deadlyearthquake before the flood; and two, the flood happened less than a year afterthe quake, because there is no rainy season sediment in between the skeletonsand the flood sediment layer.

    Based on that evidence, the research team modeled a scenariobased on data from similar quakes and floods. Most likely, the quake caused amassive landslide that dammed the Yellow River (indeed, there are remains of adam upstream from Jishi Gorge). The dam created a lake that was "about 200meters deep," Granger said. He added: "To put this into perspective, it’s somewhere between the height of theThree Gorges Dam in China and Hoover Dam in the United States."Eventually, under continuous assault from the river, the dam was overwhelmed byrising waters and overtopped. This type of failure would have instantlydestroyed the structure of the dam, leading to an "outburst flood"that gushed into the river valleys downstream,destroying villages and farms.

    Aradical change in Chinese civilization

    There is noevidence of Yu or his dredging, but the researchers note in their paper thatthe flood would have destroyed the natural levees carved by the river overtime. With no steep banks to hold the waters on their course, the Yellow Riverlikely flooded the lands downstream every year after the dam shattered. Forpeople living in the region, there would have been a desperate need fordredging techniques. If Yu led the locals in an engineering effort to rebuildthe banks of the Yellow River, it's clear why he achieved culture hero status.

    Though the researchers caution that we have no materialevidence of a leader named Yu founding the Xia dynasty, we do know for certainthat this flood came at a time of radical transformation in Chinesecivilization. National Taiwan University anthropologist David Cohen said therewas a brief period of social collapse at the end of the Neolithic period when this flood happened, and then wesee the emergence of a much more complex social order during the Erlitouculture of the Bronze Age. "The story of Yu taming the flood is the storyof a new political order emerging out of the chaos of the flood," heexplained. Cohen said the Neolithic culture at the Lajia site disappears, and"we have a transitional period that we don't understand too well."But then, after that:
    尽管有研究者们警告,我们并没有任何实物证据证明一个名叫大禹的领袖建立了夏朝,但我们确实很清楚地知道这场洪水发生在中国社会文明彻底变革的时代。来自国立台湾大学的人类学家大卫·科恩认为在洪水发生的新石器时代末,社会曾有过一段短暂的混乱分裂时期,在这之后, 青铜时代二里头文化②时期出现了更为复杂的社会制度。他解释说:“大禹治水就是一个新的政治制度从洪水带来的混乱中诞生的故事。”科恩还说到位于喇家遗址的新石器文明消失了,并且“在这期间有一段过渡的时期,我们对此并没有太多了解。”除此之外,他还说:

    “The Erlitou,and later the sites associated with the Shang dynasty, emerge. And when they do, things are at a new level of development. Thecities that are built jump from 10, 20,30 hectares in size up to 300 or more hectares in size. We have more complex administrative structures, we have a writing system thatemerges, we have workshops manufacturingbronzes that require the long-distance transport of metals from various parts of China into these centers in the Yellow River. Sothings are just being done at a higherorder of complexity and organization... And this is what's occurring around1900 BC.”

    Of course, a massive flood around the time of China's BronzeAge transition might just be a coincidence. "We don't havecausation," Cohen said plainly. That said, these events do fit a patterndescribed in the Shiji. Wecould really be looking at what the researchers call in their paper "aprofound and complicated cultural response to an extreme naturaldisaster."

    What is perhapsmost satisfying, for those with a technical or scientific bent, is that theflood at the dawn of Chinese civilization was apparently perceived as anengineering problem. Yu saved the world with hydrology. And that makes thelegend of the Xia dynastymore relevant than ever in our world of rising waters and broken levees.

    Science, 2016. DOI:10.1126/science.aaf0842
    Listing image by Wu Qinglong
    《科学》2016 DOI:10.1126/science.aaf0842

    ①喇家遗址:喇家遗址位于黄河上游的青海省民和县官亭镇喇家村,总面积约40万平方米,重点面积约20万平方米。与甘肃省积石山县大河家隔黄河相邻。青海省东部重要通道川官公路直达。距青海省西宁市200多公里,甘肃省临夏市100公里。 遗址主要为齐家文化中晚期遗存,是一处新石器时代的巨大聚落,抑或是一个遥远的城邦古国。尤其以发掘出非自然性死亡人体遗骸,是迄今为止发现的我国唯一一处大型灾难遗址。


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