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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-30 15:04
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    发表于 2015-9-22 14:42:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 小山林卡 于 2015-9-22 14:42 编辑
    Furious 7 (Part 1)

    In the good old days,movies such as “Furious 7” didn’t exist, because studios made major moviesfor adults and relegated teen fare to marginal sensationalism. The liberatedHollywood of recent years is liberated in two directions: toward theconspicuously personal and idiosyncratic (as in the films of Wes Anderson,Sofia Coppola, and Terrence Malick) and toward the nakedly mercantile (as inthe “Fast and Furious” series). The industry approaches its commercial basewith an unabashed forthrightness and leaves the sophisticated audience toindependent producers and the audacious directors whose work they finance.

    But a film’s place in a production schedule is nolimit on its results. Just as some movies by the most distinctive directorsalso prove to be profitable, some movies made as part of a baldly commercialslate also have artistic merit—and James Wan’s “Furious 7” is among the latter.It exhibits simple joy in its intricate cleverness, and sincere wonder inphysical action, the primal heat of family bonds, and hearty humor underpressure. As such, it’s a brazen caricature of passions and virtues, but itssuperficial exertions tap deep into a core of raw feeling and give it abenignly vigorous shape.

    Two stories overlap: the war of a British badguy, Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham), against the entire Furious crew, and the warof a terrorist, MoseJakande (DjimonHounsou), against America and the world. Yetit’s also the tale of two marriages: Brian (Paul Walker) is married to Mia(Jordana Brewster) and struggling with his new role as domesticated father totheir young son, Jack. Meanwhile, Mia’s brother, Dom (Vin Diesel), is marriedto Letty (Michelle Rodriguez), who suffers from amnesia and can’t remembertheir romantic past. (There’s a paramilitary “50 First Dates” embedded in theaction.)

    After Deckard steals data from a shadowy securitybureau and tries to blow up Brian and his family, the Furious clan—includingthe tech genius Tej (Ludacris) and the showman Roman (Tyrese Gibson)—return toaction for one more mission. Jakande has kidnapped a hacker named Ramsey(Nathalie Emmanuel), whose “God’s Eye” device is the Rosetta Stone* of global surveillance. Jakande wants it for hisown ends but will first let Deckard use it against the Furious. The U.S.government wants the device, too, but can’t afford to have its officialfingerprints on the mission to rescue Ramsey and get hold of it—in fightingnon-state evildoers, non-state agents are needed. So the Furious aresubcontracted for the job, and, in exchange, will be allowed to deploy thedevice against Deckard.

    The government isembodied by a character of a deliciously arachnid benevolence: Mr. Nobody (KurtRussell), a tightly wound super-nerd with the bearing of an old-fashionedmilitary-industrial executive, whose web of connections reaches far, deep, andhigh and who lends the Furious his most sophisticated toymakers to equip themfor their decisive battle with Terror & Co. The politics of thatsmall-scale war are established in advance, because the targets in question aren’tabstract—the war has already come home to the Furious, with the nearlycatastrophic demolition of Brian’s home. The notion of fighting “over there” toprotect families “over here” is rendered literal from the start.

    Thefighting is the source of the fun—the blend of high-speed NASCAR-styleneedle-threading, demolition-derby impact, martial-arts choreography, andcross-vehicular crawls and leaps, all of which are rendered deliriouslyhyperbolic in visions of a nearly hallucinatory splendor. Wan renders theweightiest items weightless, as in the midair ballet of cars and trucks droppedfrom a military transport plane above the Caucasus Mountains; the burst of ahigh-speed sports car out one tower window and into another, then out the otherside and into a third, in the pristine heights of Abu Dhabi; and the leap of anarmored vehicle from over a bridge in Los Angeles, where the action begins andconcludes. The Rube-Goldberg-esque interlocking of speed, flight, marksmanship,combat, and acrobatics in elaborate plein-air set pieces are notable feats ofvisual engineering.

    There’seven a comic aspect to the grand-scale spectacle of wreckage that the fightingunleashes—though one would have to be a Donald-Rumsfeld*-level solipsist not to recognize that, if the drama werereal, it would come at the cost of many civilian lives. It’s noteworthy thatthe Furious wreak the bulk of their collateral damage in Abu Dhabi; Jakandeunleashes it mainly in Los Angeles, in scenes—one of which involves a topplingskyscraper—that are unfailingly reminiscent of the attacks on September 11th.(Action movies are always looking back at history and at the genre; the heroicsof the Furious agent Hobbs, played by Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson, are a jovial riff on “Rambo.”

    1. Rosetta Stone: 罗塞塔石碑,古埃及刻有多种文字的石碑,世界级文物,现藏于大英博物馆
    2. Donald-Rumsfeld:唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德,美国前国防部长

    翻译by Cris
    校对by gabriellaz
    终校by 小郭
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