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首台无人驾驶载人航空器!你敢坐不? Chinese companyunveils world’s first passenger drone at CES① 中国公司在CES国际消费类电子产品展览会上展示世界上首台无人驾驶载人航空器
Would you trust your life to an autonomous flying vehicle? 你敢乘坐自动驾驶飞行器,将生命托付于它吗?
格林·穆迪(英国)——编辑于2016年1月7日 下午3:33(中部欧洲时间) 亿航 The Chinese startup company Ehang unveiled yesterday atCES what it claims is the first passenger drone, capable of carrying one personfor about 20 minutes. According to a report in The Guardian: "The cabin fits one person and a small backpack andis fitted with air conditioning and a reading light. It is designed to fit,with propellers folded, in a single parking spot." The company hopes tosell the device for $200,000 to $300,000 (£140,000 to £200,000) later thisyear. 中国创业公司亿航于昨日在消费电子展(CES)中展示了第一台载人无人机,公司称该机承载一人时的续航时间能达到20分钟。据《卫报》报道:”其机舱能容下一人加一个小背包,并配备空调和阅读灯。将螺旋桨收起后,可停入一个停车位。”该公司希望于今年晚些时候销售该设备,售价20万美元到30万美元之间(合14万至20万英镑)。
The Ehang184 Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV) weighs 200 kilograms (440lbs), and has four sets ofpaired electric motors. The company claims the batteries can be charged in twoto four hours. The drone is controlled via a tablet, which is used to set theflight path before take-off. According to the company's website: "Ehang184 AAV flies in a inverted U shape. It takes off and lands vertically, pointto point direct flight based on altitude and latitude of the origin andtermination point. Take Off/Landing points are landing targets pre-set withEhang Logo. The landing camera will position the landing targets automaticallyand accurately." 亿航184自动驾驶飞行器(AAV)重200千克(440磅),采用四轴八桨动力系统(4 支机臂、8 支螺旋桨)。公司称该航空器配备快速充电电池,可在2至4小时内充满电。在起飞前,工作人员可通过平板电脑控制飞行器,提前设订好飞行路线。公司网站上的资料显示:亿航184自动驾驶飞行器是以倒U型航线飞行的,遵循垂直起飞和垂直降落的原则,以起始点和目标点的经纬度和海拔高度做点对点直线飞行。起降点是预设好,并涂装有亿航标志的降落靶标,飞机的对地摄像头会自动跟踪靶标进行精准着陆。
Since the passengerhas zero inflight control over the machine, safety is naturally a majorconcern. The company claims:"Even with one propeller malfunctions, it can still land in the nearestpossible area safely." In addition, if any other components malfunction ordisconnect, "the aircraft will immediately land in the nearest possiblearea to ensure safety." 由于乘客在飞行过程中对飞行器没有任何控制权,安全自然成了重中之重。该公司称:“即使有一个螺旋桨出现故障,飞行器仍能在最近的可用区域安全降落。”此外,如有其他部件出现故障或失联,“飞行器会迅速就近降落以保证安全。”
According to TheGuardian, the company also says it is planning to set up a remote controlcentre that would take over the vehicle if there were a problem. In tests, the vehicle has been flown morethan 100 times at low altitudes in a forested area in Guangzhou, where Ehang isbased, including several times with a person on board. 据《卫报》报道,亿航公司还表示正计划建立远程控制中心,以便在出现问题时接管飞行器。该飞行器已在亿航总部所在地广州的一片林地低空试飞了100多次,其中几次飞行中还搭载了一名乘客。
Ehang was founded in 2014, and has raisedover $50 million (£34 million) in capital from various investors. It is bestknown for its Ghostdroneproduct. The Ehang 184 represents an ambitiousextension of its activities beyond these smaller, traditional drones. 亿航公司成立于2014年,自成立以来已从众多投资者手中集资5千万美元(合3400万英镑)。它最知名的产品是Ghostdrone系列无人机。亿航184项目的推出,表明亿航的野心不再局限于传统小型无人机范畴,开始向载人无人机方向发展。
At a time when authorities around the world are clampingdown on the use of unmanned drones, it is not clear how one that carries passengerswill be received. Unlike for autonomous cars, which are gaining wideracceptance, the margin for error with autonomous flying vehicles is rathersmall. Nor is it obvious who might want to buy and use such a passenger drone. 在世界各地政府都在对无人机的使用加强控制的当下,载人无人机是否会受到认可尚未可知。和正在受到广泛认可的自动驾驶汽车不同,自动飞行器的误差范围相当小。有意向购买或使用这种载人飞行器的目标人群也尚不明确。
注释: ①国际消费类电子产品展览会(InternationalConsumer Electronics Show,简称CES),由美国电子消费品制造商协会(简称CEA)主办,旨在促进尖端电子技术和现代生活的紧密结合。每年一月在世界著名赌城——拉斯维加斯举办,是世界上最大、影响最为广泛的消费类电子技术年展,也是全球最大的消费技术产业盛会。 ②ArsTechnica是博客媒体,主要人群是IT专业人士和技术爱好者,其主要发布内容为计算机软硬件、科学等。是IT专业人士和技术爱好者的首选。