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    Why I love the world:
    Astronaut ChrisHadfield(part 1)
    我热爱这个世界的理由: 宇航员克里斯·哈德菲尔德(上半部分)
    (本文摘自2015.05.28 BBC Travel)

    TheCanadian who captivated the planet with music videos and social media updatesfrom space talks about his globetrotting travels on Earth.
    加拿大宇航员因在社交网络(如twitter ,facebook)上发布了在太空中自演的音乐演奏视频而名声大噪。如今又谈起他的环球旅游经历。用来自太空的音乐视频和社交网络吸引了全球目光的加拿大人谈及他的环球旅行

    By Jim Benning
    28 May 2015

    Chris Hadfield wasalready a veteran astronaut by the time he became a global internet phenomenon.He’d flown a space shuttle to the Russian space station Mir in 1995 and haddone his first stint aboard the International Space Station in 2001. But it washis time aboard the latter, from December 2012 to May 2013, that made theastronaut a full-fledged star.

                                  Hadfield strums his guitar inthe International Space Station's cupola (Credit: NASA)

    His photos of Earth andaccompanying observations, which he posted to Twitter, Facebook and othersocial media sites, inspired legions of followers. Then the guitar-playingastronaut released a captivatingmusic video in which he sang David Bowie’sSpace Oddity while floating in zero gravity – a performance viewedmore than 25 million times.

    Hadfield has since retired from theCanadian Space Agency and is now teaching, writing and speaking about hisexperiences. We recently caught up with him to ask about his travels back onEarth.

    You’ve seen such amazing views of Earth from space. Haveaeroplane window seats lost their appeal?

    [Laughs.] I always prefer window seats, partly becauseI’m intimately familiar with the whole world and it’s lovely to see how itlooks today. People always want to come up and talk to me, but being over by awindow also gives me slightly more privacy.

    When did you get the travel bug?

    I was really lucky because my dad was an airline pilot,and in the 1960s and ‘70s the family travel privileges were much more permissive.So as kids, we travelled quite a bit, all around North America, down to theCaribbean; skiing in Switzerland and Austria. Travel became a normal adventure,and I think it set the bug for the rest of my life. Since then, I guess I’vebeen to 60 or 70 countries. And it’s been contagious. All my kids have been to60-plus countries, and my wife as well. For us, it’s an important part of howto live right now: to see as much of the world as possible, draw your ownconclusions and try to understand the world through your own particular filter.

    Hadfield'sfamily in St Lucia (Courtesy of Chris Hadfield)

    What kind of travelling do you do these days?

    I travel about five days a week, for a variety ofreasons. I’m a university professor in a different town than I live in, so I goback and forth. My first book, AnAstronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth, is in 20 languages, so I’ve done speaking tours acrossthe US, Canada, the UK, Germany and Australia. And I’ve done tours for thesecond book, You Are Here. I’m also on the Canadian SpaceAdvisory Board, helping our government with space policy, so there’s a lot oftravel with that. And then my daughter is graduating with her PhD in Dublinthis weekend so we’ll be going over, and I have a son in China, so we travelquite a lot for family reasons. And that’s not to mention the 2,600 orbits ofthe world that I did onboard space ships.

    My head is spinning.

    Yeah, it’s busy.

    Taking in theview along the Wild Atlantic Way (Credit: Tourism Ireland)

    Any travel habits you’ve developed to make the most ofyour time on the road?

    The key when travelling as much as I do is to not totreat travel as anything different. I seek to make it as non-interruptive aspossible, so I can go from productive environment to productive environment asquickly and efficiently as possible. If I can just get a power source and wireless,it’s as if I’m back in my office.

    I have patterns for long [haul] travel. I’ve crossed theAtlantic more times than most people, with a lot of trips from Houston toRussia and back in my 21 years as an astronaut. So I tend to pack late and packlight, and then eat light as well. I would rather show up at the other endhungry so I have the greatest chance to get my body onto the digestive cycle ofthe new place. Nobody at home would have a big dinner and wake up at 1:30 am and have another big dinner. Itdelays your sleep adaptation and your digestive adaptation, which are linked.And I try to stay triply hydrated, because planes are dehydrating.
    在多年长途旅行中,我养成了独特的旅行习惯。在二十一年宇航员生涯中,我多次往返于休斯顿和俄罗斯,横跨大西洋的次数比常人多得多。 因此我倾向于出门前再做准备,精简行李,空腹出行。为了让肠胃适应当地环境和时差,我常常饿着肚子坐飞机。没人在家会在饱餐后的凌晨爬起来,再吃顿正餐。这样不利于消化和睡眠,更何况这两者联系密切。另外为了防止脱水,坐飞机前我会补充三倍的水分。

    Hadfield watchesa water bubble float freely between him and the camera (Credit: NASA)

    Has seeing Earthfrom space changed the way you view the planet when you travel?

    Yeah, I think it annoys my wife. Whenwe’re driving I know what’s around the next corner, even though we’ve neverbeen there before. It’s like, “You’re going to see this big cove up there, orthe surf really pours in here”. It is, actually, déjà vu. I’ve already seen somuch of the world, if not the whole thing, many times. It’s as if you’ve doneyour homework everywhere you go and you know the lay of the land and where thelakes are and where the nearest town is and how it’s laid out. Travellingbecomes a much richer experience.

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