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  • TA的每日心情
    2020-2-29 17:21
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    发表于 2020-2-6 23:55:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    The coronavirus is less deadly than SARS — but that may explain why it's more contagious

    An effective virus can spread by not being too virulent like influenza and/or sustaining a long incubation period like HIV.

    The coronavirus is now responsible for 304 deaths in China. It has a lower fatality rate than SARS, but that also makes it potentially more likely to spread.

    Two months into the epidemic, the coronavirus has not proven to be as deadly as the SARS virus. That, however, may also help explain why it's spreading so quickly. It has an incubation period of up to two weeks, which enables the virus to spread through person-to-person contact.

    The coronavirus, a highly contagious, pneumonia-causing illness that infects the respiratory tract, was responsible for 304 deaths in China, with 45 new deaths reported in the previous 24-hour period, and 14,380 infections worldwide, according to the latest figures released by China's National Health Commission on Sunday (Saturday EST).

    SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, infected 8,096 people worldwide with approximately 774 official SARS-related deaths; most of those infections occurred during a nine-month period from 2002 to 2003. Even with 43 new fatalities reported over 24 hours, the fatality rate remains steady.

    SARS had a fatality rate of 9.6% compared to the fatality rate of 2.1% for this new 2019-nCoV strain of coronavirus, which has remained steady for the last several weeks. However, that death toll could rise as the weeks progress, and drug companies scramble to come up with a vaccine for the virus. Whether the fatality rate remains steady has yet to be determined.

    Assuming an incubation period of up to 14 days, with an average of 7 days, before a person presents with symptoms of the virus and succumbs to the illness within the first week of diagnosis, the current fatality rate may yet underestimate the eventual rate. The current fatality rate of 259 based on the total number of cases reported four days ago (4,600) equates to a fatality rate of closer to 5.6%.

    If, on the other hand, the number of infections is as vastly underestimated, even more so than the fatality rate, that 2.1% coronavirus fatality rate could fall, which would be good news for those who have contracted the illness. (The World Health Organization has declared a global health emergency.)

    Maciej Boni, an associate professor of biology, at Pennsylvania State University, said the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic initially overestimated the final fatality rate, while the SARS fatality rate rose as the virus spread.
    宾夕法尼亚州立大学的生物学副教授马切伊·博尼(Maciej Boni)表示,人们一开始其实是高估了2009年甲型H1N1流感的最终致死率,虽然非典的实际致死率的确是随着病毒的扩散而上升。

    Boni wrote on the online science magazine LiveScience, “During the 2009 influenza pandemic, the earliest reports listed 59 deaths from approximately 850 suspected cases, which suggested an extremely high case fatality of 7%. However, the initially reported information of 850 cases was a gross underestimate. This was simply due to a much larger number of mild cases that did not report to any health system and were not counted.”

    “After several months — when pandemic data had been collected from many countries experiencing an epidemic wave — the 2009 influenza turned out to be much milder than was thought in the initial weeks. Its case fatality was lower than 0.1% and in line with other known human influenza viruses,” he added.

    But even that fatality rate is smaller than the SARS fatality rate. The difference in these two fatality rates gives more context as to why the coronavirus has spread so quickly. Medical experts say an effective flu-like virus can extend its reach by not killing its host too rapidly and/or making the host sick enough to pass it on before finally becoming bedridden.

    “Every now and then a disease becomes so dangerous that it kills the host,” Matan Shelomi, an entomologist and assistant professor at National Taiwan University, wrote on Quora in 2017. But, ideally for the host at least, it must strike a balance.
    2017年国立台湾大学昆虫学家兼助理教授马坦·谢洛米(Matan Shelomi)在美版知乎(Quora)上写道:“一种疾病常常会变得十分致命以至于杀死它的宿主。”但是,在理想状态下它一定会谋求某种平衡,至少不会轻易杀死宿主。

    “If the disease is able to spread to another host before the first host dies, then it is not too lethal to exist. Evolution cannot make it less lethal so long as it can still spread,” he added. “If a hypothetical disease eradicates its only host, both will indeed go extinct.”

    That, he said, is why the Black Death, which ravaged much of Europe and Asia in the Middle Ages is now extinct. “The strain of the Black Death plague (Yersinia pestis) from the 14th Century was too virulent and is now extinct,” with only modern, less devastating strains in existence.

    So will the latest coronavirus outbreak be more similar to the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak or the 2009 H1N1 influence pandemic? Boni wrote on LiveScience: “I am a professor of biology who studies the evolution and epidemiology of infectious disease, and in my view, in late January 2020, we do not yet have enough solid evidence to answer this question.”

    By Quentin Fottrell
    Published: MarketWatch.com, Feb 1, 2020 10:38 pm ET

    翻译 by 纸鸢翻译社-Laura
    校对 by 肥黄瓜
    https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/ ... A-BB1F-EFCF14051DA9
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